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发布时间:2022-12-13 07:49:49
  情景会话   A: Is this Ms. Wang?   B: Yes, who's calling please?   A: This is Ms. Lee. I'm calling to notify you of a personal interview of the assistant's position.   B: OK. Thanks. When?   A: Next Monday morning.   B: All right, I know. Do I need to bring anything?   A: Yes, you need to bring a copy of your resume.   B: OK, I will be there with my you.
  A:请问是王小姐吗?   B:是的。请问您是哪位?   A:我是李小姐,我打电话是想通知您来面试助理这一职位。   B:好的,谢谢。什么时候?   A:下周一上午。   B:好的,我知道了。我需要带些什么东西吗?   A:是的,您需要带一份您的简历。   B:好的,我会带着简历去的。谢谢。
[图片0]   场景表述   I'm calling to notify you of a personal interview of the assistant's position.   我打电话是想通知您来面试助理这一职位。
  还可以这样说:   O We'd like to invite you for a job interview for the position of foreign trade clerk.我们想邀请您来面试外贸专员这一职位。
  O We've received your resume. We're interested in knowing more about you.我们收到了您的简历,我们有兴趣多了解一些您的信息。
  O I'd like to set up an interview with you.我想跟您预约面试。
  You need to bring a copy of your resume.   您需要带一份您的简历。
  还可以这样说:   O I will send the address of our office to you.我会把办公室地址发给您。
  对方可能这样问:   O Can I confirm the address of your office?我想确认一下您公司的地址?

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