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终于发现入境手续 英文

发布时间:2022-12-13 07:50:16
  情景会话   A: I intend to go to America for traveling know how to go through the entry formalities?   B: Have you got a tourist visa?   A: Passport and visa have been done. I'd just like to know about the entry process.   B: First, you need to fill out I-94 form, that is the entry-exit registration card, and hand it to the immigration officer.   A: Should I keep this form?   B: Of course, it is very important for foreign tourists. You should return it back when you leave.   A: In addition to these, what other materials have to be provided?   B: You should submit the tax returns. Besides, you also need to answer the immigration officer's questions.   A: What kind of questions will he ask?   B: For example, your purpose for visiting the ., duration of stay, place to stay,and the amount of cash being carried with you, etc.   A: Is there anything else I should do?   B: You must provide the return ticket. Otherwise, you might be refused to enter.   A: Thanks a lot.   B: That's all right.
  A:我打算下半年去美国旅游,您知道   怎么办理人境手续吗?   B:您办旅游签证了吗?   A:护照和签证都办好了。我是想咨询一下人境时的流程。   B:首先,您需要填写I-94表格,也就是出人境记录卡,并把它交给移民官。   A:这张表由我保存吗?   B:当然啦,这对外籍游客非常重要,在离境时是需要交回的。   A:除了这些,我还需要交什么材料?   B:您还需要提交报税一单,另外还需要回答移民官的问题。   A:移民官会问些什么问题呢?   B:例如,来美国的目的、停留时间、住宿地点和随身携带现金金额等。   A:我还需要注意些什么?   B:提交材料时必须提供返程机票,否则很有可能会被拒绝入境。   A:太感谢了。   B:不用谢。
[图片0]   场景表述   I intend to go to America for traveling in the next half of the year. Do you knowhow to go through the entry formalities?   我打算下半年去美国旅游,您知道怎么办理入境手续吗?
  还可以这样说:   O Are the entry procedures complicated when traveling to America?去美国旅游时,入境手续很繁琐吗?
  对方可能这样回答:   O Not very complicated, just need to fill out the form and submit materials.不是很复杂,只要填写表格和提交材料就可以了。   O The procedures are fixed, and you must answer the immigration officer's questions truthfully.流程都是固定的,您必须如实回答移民官的问题。
  Is there anything else I should do?   我还需要注意些什么?
  对方可能这样回答:   O You need to provide the immigration officer withtraveling schedule if you have.如果您有旅游日程表的话,应该交给移民官。

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