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发布时间:2022-12-13 07:50:47
  情景会话   A: We found that many parts were damaged when we received the packages.   B: We're really sorry.   A: Have you packed the parts using wooden cases?   B: Of course, we've shipped those parts in strict accordance with your requirement.   A: Then why did this happen?   B: The parts were intact when they were shipped off. It was possibly caused by careless handling.   A: How did some parts get damp and rust?   B: This is not our responsibility. It was because of the muggy weather.   A: Have you taken some damp-proof measures?   B: We've applied engine oil on the parts to avoid rusting.   A: Anyhow, the parts were actually damaged, so we want a replacement.   B: How many parts were damaged?   A: about 20%.   B: OK, we agree to replace them.
  A:我们在收货时发现很多配件都损坏了。   B:真的很抱歉。   A:你们是用木箱包装的吗?   B:当然了,我们是严格按照你们的要求装运的。   A:那为什么还会出现这种情况呢?   B:运走的时候都是完好的。可能是装卸时太不小心导致的。   A:那部分配件受潮生锈是怎么回事?   B:这不是我们的责任,是天气闷热导致配件受潮的。   A:你们有没有采取防受潮措施?   B:我们在配件上涂了机油,以防止生锈。   A:不管怎样,货物受损是事实,我们要求换货。   B:有多少配件受损?   A:将近20%。   B:好吧,我们同意换货。
[图片0]   场景表述   How did some parts get damp and rust?   那部分配件受潮生锈是怎么回事?
  还可以以这样说:   O Can you explain why some parts get dampened?   你们能解释一下部分配件受潮的问题吗?
  对方可能这样回答:   O The ship had been subject to rainstorm which caused some parts being immersed in the water.   由于轮船遇到暴风雨袭击,导致部分配件浸水。   O It was caused by leaking pipes in the cargo hold.   这是由于舱内水管漏水造成的。
  Have you taken some damp-proof measures?   你们有没有采取防受潮措施?
  还可以这样说:   O In addition to objective factors, have you taken active preventive measures?除客观因素外,你们有没有采取主动预防措施?

  对方可能这样回答:   O Because of the extreme hot weather, the engine oil smeared on the parts may have been melted.   由于天气过于闷热,可能导致涂在配件上的机油熔化了。

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