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发布时间:2022-12-13 07:51:26
  情景会话   A: How long do you need to make the delivery?   B: In May or June.   A: Since we have concluded the transaction on DES basis, could youbook the shipping space on time?   B: Currently, it is difficult to reserve shipping spaces, so we have to wait until June.   A: I see. Then what's your port of discharge?   B: How about Boston?   A: Could you change the port of discharge from Boston to New York?   B: Yes, the two cities are not far away.   A: In addition, the goods will be paid after you make actual delivery.   B: No problem, we'll make shipment by chartering ships within the stipulatedtime, and timely inform you of any changes.   A: Thank you. You're very considerate.   B: My pleasure. We also hope this transaction with your company will go smoothly.
  A:请问贵公司多久能够交货?   B: 5月份或6月份能交货。   A:这批货物是按照目的港船上交货成交的,你们能准时订到舱位吗?   B:目前舱位紧张,我们恐怕得等到6月份。   A:知道了。那卸货港在哪儿?   B:波士顿如何?   A:能不能把卸货港从波士顿改为纽约?   B:可以,这两座城市离得不远。   A:另外,必须在你们实际交货之后我们才能付款。   B:没问题,我们会在规定时间内租船装运,如有任何变化会及时通知你们。   A:谢谢,您考虑得很周全。   B:这是我们应该做的,我们也希望能与贵公司顺利达成交易。
[图片0]   场景表述   How long do you need to make the delivery?   诸问贵公司多久能够交货?
  还可以这样说:   O What is the shipment time for your company?贵公司的装运日期是什么时候?   对方可能这样回答:
  O We'll make the delivery in May, but your letter ofcredit has to arrive here before April 30th.我们会在5月份交货,但你们的信用证必须在4月30日之前开至我处。
  O May and June are both optional. It depends on thebooking of shipping spaces. 5月份或6月份都可以,这取决于订舱的情况。
  Since we have concluded the transaction on DES basis, could you book theshipping spaces on time?   这批货物是按照目的港船上交货成交的,你们能准时订到舱位吗?
  还可以这样说:   O Is there any problems to book the shipping spacesin May?在5月份订舱位有什么问题吗?
  对方可能这样回答:   O There should be no problem.应该没什么问题。
  O It is not easy to book in May and June. It mightbe deferred for a month. 5月份和6月份订舱都不太容易,可能需要延后1个月。

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