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位置:勤学思培训网LYMEZD » 培训新闻 » 中小学 » 中小学课外辅导 » 初中英语 » 总算晓得保险行业英语


发布时间:2022-12-13 07:58:45
  情景会话   A: Hi, are you available now?   B: Yes. What can I do for you?   A: I would like to discuss insurance with you, if you don't mind.   B: No, not at all. Have you bought insurance for the goods?   A: No, I will do it right after our discussion.   B: What risks do you expect to be covered?   A: Please insure FPA and against War Risk. What other insurances do you generally provide?   B: WPA or all risks.   A: How do you calculate the premium?   B: The premium is calculated according to the premium rates for risks to be covered.   A: Could you please give me an insurance rate?   B: Sure. Here it is
  A:您好,您现在有时间吗?   B:有,我能帮您做些什么?   A:如果您不介意,我想和您讨论一下保险的事情。   B:一点也不介意。您已经为货物投保了吗?   A:不,还没有,我会在咱们讨论结束之后着手办理。   B:您希望保哪些险?   A:请帮我投保平安险和战争险。你们一般还提供哪些保险险种?   B:水渍险和一切险。   A:如何计算保费?   B:保险费是根据投保险别的保险费率计算的。   A:您能给我一份保险费率表吗?   B:好。给您。
[图片0]   场景表述   What risks do you expect to be covered?   您希望保哪些险?
  还可以这样说:   O What kind of insurance should I provide for your goods?我应该为您的货物提供哪些保险?
  Could you please give me an insurance rate?   您能给我一份保险费率表吗?
  还可以这样说:   OI'd like to see your insurance rate.我想要看看您的保险费率表。
  对方可能这样回答:   O I don't have it right now and I will send to you via email after I get back to my office.   我现在没有,我会回办公室之后用邮件发给您。
  O Here you are.给您。

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