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总算明白签订合同 英语

发布时间:2022-12-13 08:00:56
  情景会话   A: Mr. Holmes, the formal contract is ready, but I think we'd better go over afew details before signing the contract.   B: Shall we take up the matter point by point?   A: That's fine.   B: How long will the contract last?   A: This contract is valid for one year.   B: Isn't one year too short? This contract is supposed to be valid for at least three years.   A: If everything's going smoothly, it could be extended for two years.   B: All right.   A: What do you think of the wordings?   B: The wordings are really idio matical. I'm very satisfied with it.   A: Anything else you would like to discuss?   B: Finally we have reached a basic agreement on the problems that should be worked out.   A: Then it's the time for us to sign the contract.   B: Done. Congratulations!   A: I hope this will lead to our further business.
  A:福尔摩斯先生,正式合同已经准备好了,但我觉得我们比较好在签订合同之前重新检查一些细节。   B:我们逐点研究一下好吗?   A:好的。   B:合同的有效期是多长?   A:有效期为1年。   B: 1年不会太短了吗?这份合同的预计有效期至少得3年。   A:如果一切进行顺利,可以再延续2年。   B:好的。   A:您觉得合同的措辞怎样?   B:用词很地道,我很满意。   A:您还有别的问题吗?   B:对一些需要解决的问题我们终于基本上达成了一致。   A:那么该是我们签合同的时候了。   B:签好了。祝贺!   A:希望这次交易能促进我们之间的进一步合作。
[图片0]   场景表述   This contract is valid for one year.   有效期为一年。
  还可以这样说:   O Two years, at maximum.多2年。
  What do you think of the wordings?   您觉得合同的措辞怎样?
  还可以这样说:   O Is there anything, as to the wordings, that requires amending in the contract?您觉得这份合同在措辞方面有需要修改的地方吗?   O What's your opinion about the wordings?您觉得合同的措辞如何?
  对方只能这样回答:   O Frankly speaking, I think some words need to be changed.坦白说,我认为有些地方需要换个词来表达。   O Not that idio matical, but the expressions are clear.不太地道,但表达清楚。

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