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位置:勤学思培训网RRHQXD » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 其他职业资格 » 会展策划师 » 总算领会提供信息 英语

总算领会提供信息 英语

发布时间:2022-12-13 08:04:52
  情景会话   A: Hi! My name is John Bird. Your bikes are very impressive.   B: Would you like to know more about our new bikes?   A: Yes, I would. What does this button here do?   B: That button is for our call screening function. It allows you to identify thecaller before you answer the call.   A: You mean the bike is with a phone on it?   B: Yes, that's its new function.   A: What else can you tell me about the bike?   B: This kind of bicycle can be folded in half and is handy to carry around,especially useful during traveling and traffic jams.   A: No kidding?What is the price of the bike?   B: The price is $110 per unit. We're offering a special discount of 10% off during the exhibition.   A: Well, I'll have to contact my office andget back to you. Thanks.
  A: 嗨,我是约翰·伯德,你们的自行车让人印象深刻。   B:您想知道更多关于我们新款自行车的信息吗?   A:是的,我想知道。这里这个按钮的作用是什么?   B:那个按钮是来电显示功能。它可以让您在接电话之前先知道是谁的来电。   A:你的意思是这款自行车上还有电话?   B:是的,这是这款自行车的新功能。   A:这款自行车还有什么其他功能吗?   B:这款自行车可以对折,便于随身携带,去旅游或遇到交通堵塞时特别好用。   A:真的吗?这自行车多少钱?   B:标价是每辆110美元。在展会期间我们提价9折的特价。   A:我得和公司联络之后再过来找你,谢谢。
[图片0]   场景表述   That button is for our call screening function.   那个按钮是来电显示功能。
  还可以这样说:   O You can push it and you'll see what I mean.你可以按下去试试,然后你就会知道我说的意思了。
  This kind of bicycle can be folded in half and is handy to carry around.   这款自行车可以对折,便干随身携带。
  还可以这样说:   O I can give you a brochure of the bike. You'll find a lot of details in it.我可以给你一本这款自行车的宣传手册,里面有很多详细信息。
  对方可能这样问:   O Could you give us some ideas about other functions of the bike?你能介绍一下这款自行车的其他功能吗?   O Could you offer us more information of the bike?你能多介绍一点这款自行车的相关信息吗?

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