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发布时间:2022-12-13 08:05:15


Hello. This is Li Sheng speaking. Mr. Smith, I' d like to go to your office and report the work ofthese three months. 史密斯先生,我是李胜,我想到你办公室来汇报近3个月来的工作情况。 OK. Come at 10 o' clock, Mr. Li.好吧,李先生,请十点钟来。 Mr. Smith, the health product named “Swing Chair” we developed is qualified after being tested, and it is well sold. The sales volume of the first month comes to 1 million yuan, and the profit amounts to million yuan. That of the second month to million yuan, the net profit to million yuan. What' s more, there is a wide market for the “Swing Chair”。Therefore, we hope we can expand the scale of production, and we also plan to put the product into the market of America, Germany and Japan. 史密斯先生,我部开发的这种保健产品“摇摆椅”,经检测质量达到设计的标准,销售情况良好。第一个月销售额达到100万元,利润11万元;第二个月销售额达到120万元,利润17万元。而且,市场需求很大,因此,我们希望扩大生产规模,并计划将此产品销往美国、德国、日本。 Well done. Have you ever talked about the plan with Chinese management department concerned? 干得不错。你们与中国有关管理部门谈到这个计划了吗? Yes, we have. The officials agreed to our sales plan. 是的。他们同意我们的销售计划。 Good. You can write a report to me. We'll discuss the plan at the board of directors next Monday. 好。那就请你们写出书面报告给我。下星期一的董事会上我们将讨论这个问题。 OK.行。 [图片1]

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