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发布时间:2022-12-03 11:56:55
First-aid 急救
  What are the first-aid measures to be taken in cases of drowning?   溺水的急救措施有哪些?
  Do chemical bums require special treatment?   化学烧伤需要特殊治疗吗?
  What is the first-aidtreatment for heat stroke?   中暑的急救措施是什么?
  1、What method should be used when carrying out artificial respiration?   进行人工呼吸,应该采取什么方法?
  2、How is heat stroke treated?   中暑应该怎么处理?
  3、How can heat stroke be prevented?   怎样才能预防中暑?
  4、Is any special first-aid treatment for bums of the eye?   眼睛烧伤有什么特殊的急救措施吗?
  5、How to treat a bum?   烧伤应该怎么处理?
[图片0] 情景对话一
  A:First aid is crucial to save one's life.   B:Yes, its true. What are the first-aid measures to be taken in cases of drowning?   A:The person should be given artificial respiration if he is not breathing.   B:What method should be used when carrying out artificial respiration?   A:The month-to-month breathing method should be used instead of other methods.
  A:急救对于挽救一个人的生命来说很重要。   B:是的,溺水的急救措施有哪些?   A:如果他不呼吸了,应该进行人工呼吸。   B:进行人工呼吸,应该采取什么方法?   A:嘴对嘴呼吸法比其他方法都好。
  A:Do chemical burns require special treatment?   B:Yes. It is wise to wash any chemically burned area thoroughly with large quantities of water.   A:Is any special first-aid treatment for bums of the eye?   B:Yes. These burns should be irrigated thoroughly with water. Medical care should then be sought immediately.   A:Should butter or homemade remedies be used on bums as a first-aid treatment?   B:No.
  A:化学烧伤需要特殊治疗吗?   B:是的,比较好是用大量的水彻底清洗被烧伤的部位。   A:眼睛烧伤有什么特殊的急救措施吗?   B:是的,先用水彻底清洗烧伤的地方。紧接着应该寻求医疗护理。   A:黄油或者自制的药可以用来做烧伤急救的处理措施吗?   B:不能。


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