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发布时间:2022-12-13 18:38:09
  常用短语   a condemnation against sb.对某人的谴责   a deadly insult极大的侮辱   a deliberate insult故意的侮辱   a life without reproach无可指责的生活   a public condemnation公开谴责   a rough rebuke粗暴的训斥   a self reproach自责   a stinging reproach尖刻的责难   a term/word of abuse骂人话
  an affront to sb.对某人的胃犯   an insult against sb.对某人的侮辱   an insult to sb.'s fame对某人名誉的侮辱   an insult to sb.'s pride对某人自尊心的侮辱.   an object of general censure众矢之的   an undeserved blame不该受的责备   above criticism无可指摘   above/beyond reproach无可责备   abuse 辱骂   accept the blame for承担责任   administer rebukes to sb.斥责某人   affront [a'frnnt〕当众侮辱/胃犯   appreciative criticism好评   avenge/revenge an insult雪耻   avoid/escape censure逃避责难
[图片0]   be censured as traitors被指责为叛徒   be censured for income tax evasion因逃所得税而受指责.   be critical of sth.对某事表示谴责.   be deeply/gravely offended非常生气   be easily offended容易生气   be rebuked for the neglect of duty因失职而受到责备.   be reprimanded for carelessness因粗心而受到斥责.   be severely/sharply criticized受到严厉批评.   be unfairly blamed受到不公的责备   below/beneath criticism不值得批评   beyond criticism无可非议   blame sb. for sth.因……指责某人   blame the accident on将事故归咎于   blame the failure on将失败归咎于   blame the mistake on him把错误归咎于他
  cast all the blame on sb.将一切都归咎于某人.   catch a scolding挨骂   censure 指责,非难   censure sb. strongly严厉批评某人   condemn 谴责   condemn bitterly/strongly强烈地谴责   condemn sb. for/on account of bad conduct 责备某人行为不良.   condemn sb. for 因……指责某人   constructive criticism 建设性的批评   criticize 批评   criticize sb. by name点名批评   criticize sb. for being sloppy批评某人马虎.   criticize sb. publicly公开批评某人   cutting reproach痛斥
  defy every criticism拒绝任何批评   denounce 公开谴责,告发   denounce roundly严厉指责   denounce sb. as a traitor谴责某人为叛徒   denounce sb. fo:因……斥责某人   denounce vengeance against扬言要报仇   deserve a cruel condemnation该受无情的谴责.   destructive criticism破坏性的批i平   direct slanderous abuse against sb.诽谤性地辱骂某人

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