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终于领会让价 英文

发布时间:2022-12-13 18:45:22
  情景对话   A: Mr. Yang, your price for refrigerators is too high.   B: Well, Mr. Smith, I don't think so, because we offered you CIF New York.   A: Your price is not competitive at all, compared with that in the international market.   B: You know, our prices mainly depend on the size of your order. Could you tell me how much you want to order?   A: Five thousand.   B: We'll give you a 10 percent discount.   A: It's too low a rate compared with those we get from other suppliers, I'm afraid.   B: What's your counter-offer then?   A: To have this business concluded, you need to lower your price at least by 20 percent,I believe.   B: Then, we meet each other half way. What about 15 percent?   A: Good. Let's call it a deal(就这样决定;一言为定).
  A:杨先生,你关于冰箱的报价太高了。   B:嗯,史密斯先生,我并不这样认为,因为我们报的是纽约的到岸价。   A:你们的价格与国际市场价格相比毫无竞争性。   B:你知道,我们的价格主要取决于你们的订货量。能说说你们想订多少吗?   A: 5000台。   B:给你10%的折扣。   A:比起我们从别的供应商那里得到的折扣,恐怕这太低了。   B:那么你的还价是多少?   A:我认为要达成这笔生意,你至少要降低20%.   B:那么我们各让一半,15%怎么样?   A:行。成交。
[图片0]   语言贴士   Your price is not competitive at all, compared with that in the internationalmarket.   a.表示“与……比较”,通常用compared with,存在被动关系。也可使用comparedto,两者意义基本相同,可互换。如:   Compared with(to) many orphans, the little boy was very fortunate.   和许多孤儿相比,这个小男孩算是很幸运的了。
  b.表示“把……比作……”,通常用compare... to...,一般不用compare... with...。如:   Scientists sometimes compare the human brain to a computer.科学家有时将人脑比作电脑。
  c.表示   “把……与……比较”,通常用compare... with.…If you compare his work with hers, you'll find hers is much better.   如:要是把他俩的工作比较一下,就会发现她的好得多。

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