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终于知道感到有压力 英语

发布时间:2022-12-13 18:50:31
  A: Richard, you look so pale and blue. What happened?   B: I was unable to sleep last night.   A: Did you have something on your mind? Maybe I can help you.   B: Well, I'm under a lot of pressure recently. My boss pushes me hard. He gave me three projects at the same time. Now the deadlines are near and I still haven't finished all of them.   A: Is there anything I can do for you?   B: Well, thank you. I guess no one can help me but myself. For the moment, I just need someone to talk to.   A: I know that every job has its own kind of pressure. So I can understand your feeling.   Follow me to take a deep breath(深呼吸)and take it easy.   B: OK. I really want to know how you work under pressure.   A: When I feel too much pressure, I encourage myself to do my best regardless of(不顾:不管)any situation.
  A:理查德,你面色苍白且很优虑啊。怎么了?   B:我昨晚无法入眠。   A:你有什么心事吗?或许我可以帮帮你。   B:我近压力很大。我老板太严格了,同时让我做三个项目。现在期限就要到了,可我一个都没做完呢。   A:有什么我可以帮你吗?   B:谢谢你。我想没人能帮我,我只能靠自己了。现在我只需要一个可以说话的人。   A:我知道不同的工作会有不同的压力。我能理解你的感受。跟着我深呼吸,然后放轻松点。   B:好的。我真的想知道你在压力下是如何工作的?   A:每当我面对压力的时候,我都鼓励自己不管任何情况都要努力去做。
[图片0]   单词过关   pale 苍白的   project 项目   deadline 后限期;截止期限   pressure 压力   encourage 鼓励   regardless 不管;不顾
  语言贴士   encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事;激励某人干某事如:   I encouraged her to work hard and to try for the examination.   我鼓励她用功并为这次考试做努力。
  常用表达   1. You'd better find some ways to relieve the stress.   你比较好想办法减减压。   单词过关:relieve 解除,减轻   stress 压力   语言贴士:relieve the stress缓解压力
  2. The pressure has been really getting to me lately.   我近真的被压力压得喘不过气来。
  3. I've been feeling too much pressure recently.   近一段时间,我感觉压力很大。
  4. Don't give yourself too much pressure.   别给自己太大的压力。

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