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发布时间:2022-12-03 12:11:37
  Dressing should accord with one's identity,age, character and different occasions.   着装要符合自己的身份、年龄、性格和不同的场合。
  Dressing should meet the occasions.   着装还要注意场合。
  On the other hand, those reserved and simple colors look better.   相反,内敛和朴素的颜色更顺眼。
  1、Why many people stress dressing on social occasions?   为什么社交场合很多人都注重着装呢?
  2、What are the principles for dressing?   着装讲究哪些原则呢?
  3、Dressing is really a science.   着装真是门大学问。
  4、Can you tell me some taboos concerning female dressing?   你能给我讲讲女性着装方面的忌讳吗?
  5、Each person has different requirements concerning dressing.   每个人的着装要求各不相同。
  6、First, it should fit well, be suited to the occasion,also be comfortable and elegant.   首先要合身、得体.也要舒适、美观大方。
  7、I mean simple but not rough, exquisite but not complicated.   我的意思是朴素而不粗糙,精致而不复杂。
  8、That makes one as if a moving advertisement.   那让人看起来像个活广告。
[图片0] 情景对话一
  A:Why many people stress dressing on social occasions?   B:To an extent, dressing reflects the civilization of a country. For an individual,elegant dressing can convey elegance and connotations. It also shows once respect for others.   A:What are the principles for dressing?   B:First, it should fit well, be suited to the occasion, also be comfortable and elegant.   A:Each person has different requirements concerning dressing.   B:Yes. Dressing should accord with one's identity, age, character and different occasions.   A:Dressing is really a science.   B:Indeed it is.
  A:为什么社交场合很多人都注重着装呢?   B:服装在一定程度上反映了一个国家的文明。就个人而言,讲究的着装可以反映个人的气质和内涵,也是对别人的尊重。   A:着装讲究哪些原则呢?   B:首先要合身、得体,也要舒适、美观大方。   A:每个人的着装要求各不相同。   B:是的。着装要符合自己的身份、年龄、性格和不同的场合。   A:着装真是门大学问。   B:确实是。
  A:Can you tell me some taboos concerning female dressing?   B: suggestion to women,especially for the mainland,is that"you'd better keep a sense of modesty."
A:That is to say, one needn't dress to the nines or dress to the teeth.   B:I mean simple but not rough, exquisite but not complicated.   A:And dressing should meet the occasions. For example, attending awedding, one's dressing should not be more complicated and eyes-catching than the bride.   B:For the same reason,attending a funeral, one should not heavily power herself or wear jewelry.   A:Yes, you are right.
  A:你能给我讲讲女性着装方面的忌讳吗?   B:当然可以。我对女性着装,尤其是大陆女性的着装建议是:“你比较好保持一种端庄的感觉。”   A:也就是说,不需要盛装打扮、浓妆艳抹。   B:我的意思是朴素而不粗糙,精致而不复杂。   A:着装还要注意场合。比如参加婚礼时,就不应该比新娘穿得还要华丽、抢眼。   B:同样的道理,参加葬礼时,就不应该浓妆艳抹或是戴首饰。   A:你说得对。


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