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发布时间:2022-12-13 19:12:58
  情景对话   A: Hi, Kathy, you look in good spirits(精神抖擞).What kind of exercise do you usually do?   B: Well, I love to do push-ups(做俯卧撑)in the morning, and I go climbing(爬山)every week.   A: Why do you like them?   B: They're free of charge(免费)anyway. Well, it makes me feel stronger, but more importantly, it makes me feel so good.   A: What else do you do?   B: Swimming, jogging, playing football...   A: Wow! That sounds great. How often do you go swimming?   B: Twice a week.   A: What are the best exercises for my health?   B: I think it's hard to tell.   A: How do you like yoga?   B: Yoga now is the most popular exercise in the United States. It's a good way of losing weight and it can calm you down. It can make people's body, intelligence and spirit to reach a perfect and healthy state.   A: I would like to learn Yoga. But I don't think it's so easy.   B: Well, you may have a try.
[图片0]   A:嗨,凯西,你看起来精神很好。你平时做什么运动?   B:我早上喜欢做俯卧撑,每周我都去爬山。   A:你为什么喜欢这些运动呢?   B:不用花钱啊!它们让我感觉更强壮,不过更重要的是,它让我感觉非常好。   A:你还做什么运动?   B:游泳,慢跑,踢足球……   A:太厉害了。你多久去游一次泳呢?   B:一周两次。   A:什么运动有益?   B:我想这很难讲。   A:瑜伽怎么样?   B:瑜伽现在是美国流行的运动。它是减肥的好办法,还可以让你平静下来,忘记一切,集中精力。瑜伽可以使人的身体、心智和精神达到的健康状态。   A:我想学瑜伽。但我觉得练瑜伽没那么简单。   B:哦,你可以试试看。
  单词过关   exercise 运动   push-up 俯卧撑   jog 慢跑   Yoga 瑜伽   weight 重量;体重   intelligence 智力   state 状态
  语言贴士   How do you like…这一句型主要用来询问某人对于某事物的印象。与之意思相同的句型是What do you think of...。

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