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位置:勤学思培训网USEIRY » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 职称考证 » 人力资源师 » 总算发现用英语评价一部电影


发布时间:2022-12-13 19:13:07
  情景对话   A: I really enjoyed that film! What about you?   B: So did I. At first, I thought it was going to be boring, but then it turned to be good.   A: What part of the film do you like best?   B: Well, the scene of the hero's struggle with enemies impressed me the most.   A:I loved that one, too. To tell you the truth(说实话),I shed tears.   B: Actually, I also had a few tears in my eyes.   A: It has got this year's Oscar Awal ds(奥斯卡金像奖).   B: It deserves. The film gave us a lot of inspiration.   A: By the way, what kind of film do you like best?   B: The science-fiction movie, I suppose. And you?   A: It belongs to the scary movie.
  A:我真的很喜欢这部电影!你呢?   B:我也是。开始的时候,我以为是部无聊的片子,但后来看了还是很不错的.   A:这部电影你喜欢哪部分?   B:嗯,男主人公英勇无畏与敌方作战,这个场面给我印象深刻。   A:我也喜欢那个部分,说实话,我都落泪了。   B:其实,我当时也是热泪盈眶。   A:这部电影获得了今年的奥斯卡金像奖。   B:那是应该的。这部电影能给我们许多激励。   A:顺便问你一下,你喜欢哪种电影?   B:我想是科幻片。你呢?   A:非恐怖片莫属。
[图片0]   单词过关   boring 无聊的;乏味的   scene 场面:情景   hero 英雄:男主角   struggle 奋斗:斗争   enemy 敌人   impress 给予某人深刻印象   shed 流出   tear 眼泪   deserve 应受赏(罚)   inspiration 灵感   science-fiction 科幻   scary (事物)可怕的;恐怖的
  语言贴士   (1) It deserves.意为“这是它该得的”或“活该”,具体情况要看上下文语境,再决定是褒义还是贬义的。   (2) The science-fiction movie, I suppose.   I suppose 为短句插入语,类似的还有I say, I guess, I believe, as I see it,it seems to me, what's more, what is important, as you know, as we allknow, that is to say等等。这些短句绝大部分可位于句首、句中或句末,并用逗号与其他成分隔开。

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