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发布时间:2022-12-13 19:15:17
  情景对话   A: Hello. May I help you?   B: Well, I'm looking for some winter clothes. And I saw you have a preseason sale onthem.   A: Yes, everything is 30% off.   B: Do you have any skirts that will go with this sweater?   A: Sure. I especially like this coat. The style is in fashion this year.   B: The tan one looks nice, so does the green one. Which one do you think suits mebetter?   A: Well, you really have good taste. I think the tan one goes well with(和……很相配)(go well with)your complexion. You may try it on. The mirror is behind you.   B: Thank you. This color is quite attractive, but does it fade?   A: No, it doesn't. This kind of material has been treated by a new technology, so it iscolorfast.   B: Then I'll take this one.   A: OK. Here you are.
  A:您好,我可以帮你忙吗?   B:嗯,我要买一些冬天的衣服。我看到你们所有的冬季衣服正在做换季前大拍卖。   A:是的,所有衣服都7折。   B:你们有没有什么裙子可以配这件毛衣?   A:有。我特别喜欢这件外套。这是今年很流行的款式。   B:棕褐色的那件就挺好的。绿色的也很好看,你觉得哪一种颜色更适合我呢?   A:嗯,您真有眼光。我觉得棕褐色和您的肌肤很配。您可以试试看,镜子就在您身后。   B:谢谢。这颜色的确很漂亮,会褪色吗?   A:不会的。这种面料采用新工艺处理过,不会褪色的。   B:那好,我就买下这件了。   A:好的,给您。
[图片0]   单词过关   fashion 流行款式   tan (日晒后皮肤的)黝黑色;棕褐色   taste 审美   complexion 肤色   mirror 镜子   color 颜色   attractive 吸引人的   fade 使……褪色,褪色
  经典句型   1. You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon.   这可是个千载难逢的机会。   语言贴士:once in a blue moon是固定搭配,意为“千载难逢的(地)”。在现代天文学中,blue moon蓝月亮指的是“同一个月中的第二次满月”,这种情况当然是比较罕见的。在现代英语中,blue moon的意思就延伸为“不常发生的”。因此,once in ablue moon意思就是“千载难逢的(地),不常发生的(地)”。
  2. It's over my budget. Can you make it cheaper?   这价钱超过了我的预算。可否便宜些?   单词过关:budget 预算
  3. Usually we don't provide refund. But you may have an exchange.   通常我们不退钱,不过您可以换一个。

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