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位置:勤学思培训网KTYKGJ » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 建筑 » 咨询工程师 » 总算理解修车用英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-13 19:27:55
  情景对话   Bobbie:Lele. What's wrong with your bike?   Lele:The tire is flat.   Bobbie:There's a repair store near the me help you.   Lele:Thanks for your help.   Lele:Bobbie, what are you doing here? I thought you went to work.   Bobbie:My car broke down. I started out to fix it myself, but I have to ask forhelp. God, I'll be late.   Lele:You can drive my car. I'll help you call the garage.   Bobbie:Good. Thank you, sweetie.   Lele:Hello. My husband's car broke down here. Would you please send someone to check it out?   Garage: All right, Ma'am. Your address, please.   (Garage mechanics checked the car)   Lele:Is it serious?   Mechanic:I'm afraid there's something wrong with the engine. We need the trailer to carry it to the garage.   Lele:I see. I'd better talk about it with my husband first.
  波比:嗨,乐乐。你的自行车怎么了?   乐乐:车轮瘪了。   波比:杂货店附近有个修车铺。让我来帮你拖车。   乐乐:谢谢你帮忙。   乐乐:波比,你在干吗?我以为你去上班了。   波比:我的车抛锚了。木来我想自己修理一下.但不得不寻求帮助了。天啊,我要迟到了。   乐乐:你可以开我的车。我帮你给修理店打电话。   波比:太好了。谢谢你,亲爱的。   乐乐:你好。我丈夫的车出了问题。你能派人来检查一下吗?   修理厂:好的,女士。请说下地址。   (修理厂技工检查了汽车)   乐乐:问题严重吗?   技工:恐怕是发动机出了问题。我们需要用拖车把它运到修理厂。   乐乐:明白了。我比较好还是先跟我丈夫商量一下吧。
[图片0]   情景用语   修理厂   repair store
  抛锚   break down
  检查   check out
  扩展表达   加油:add petrol/gasoline   气门:air valve   油箱:tank   汽车维护:vehicle maintenance   磨损过程:wear process   打气筒:tire pump   发电机:dynamo   加油:add petrol/gasoline   轴承:bearing   变速箱:gearbox   螺旋千斤顶:screw jack

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