

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网LBGNBG » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 心理健康 » 心理督导师 » 总算懂得盗窃的英文


发布时间:2022-12-13 19:26:00
  情景对话   Lele:Excuse me, a burglar seemed to break into my room.   Policeman:When did it happen?   Lele:about half an hour ago.   Policeman:I need some details. Will you tell me the situation?   Lele:I went to the grocery store at 4 o'clock. When I came back, I found the suitcase open, and my bag gone.   Policeman:What's in your bag?   Lele:My passport and $1 000 in cash, a Master card and a Visa card inside the wallet.   Policeman:Are you insured?   Lele:Yes, this is my accident insurance card.   Policeman:I'll make a report for you and please claim this to the insurance company with this report.   Lele:Thank you, sir. I need to get in touch with the Chinese Embassy because of my passport. Could youtell me how to contact it?   Policeman:I'll check it later for you. Now please fill in this“Report of Theft".
  乐乐:你好,好像有小偷闯进过我的房间。   警察:什么时候发生的?   乐乐:大概半小时前。   警察:我需要详细内容。讲一下当时的情况好吗?   乐乐:我4点去了杂货店。我回来的时候,发现箱子开着.我的包不见了。   警察:你包里有什么?   乐乐:钱包里有我的护照,1 000美元的现金,一张万事达卡一张威沙卡。   警察:你入保险了吗?   乐乐:是的。这是我的意外事故保险。   警察:我给你报案,你可以拿这张证明跟保险公司报告。   乐乐:谢谢警官。因为我的护照,我需要联系中国大使馆。你能告诉我怎样联系吗?   警察:等会儿我帮你查。现在请填写这张失窃报告一单。
[图片0]   情景用语   闯入   break into
  意外保险   accident insurance
  保险公司   insurance company
  中国大使馆   Chinese Embassy
  写失窃报告   make a report of theft
  蒙面的窃贼   a masked burglar
  扩展表达   报假案:make a false report   手印:fingerprint   分赃:divide the spoils, share the booty   赃物:booty stolen goods   失物招领处:Lost and Found Office   痕迹:trace   目击证人:eyewitness   保持联系:keep in touch with

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