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位置:勤学思培训网RMOYRF » 培训新闻 » IT技术 » 软件制图 » proe » 总算明了拜访客户英语


发布时间:2022-12-13 19:37:44
  情景对话   Lele:So what's for today, Biddy?   Biddy:I am to visit two of our special clientshere in the downtown.   Lele:What makes them so special?   Biddy:One deals with 70% of our products in the state. The lion's share.   Lele:And the other?   Biddy:A partner who just put his hand to our products last week.   Lele:Would visiting your clients build up closer relation between your two parties?   Biddy:Now you bet. Our business will collapse immediately if the lion's sharer turnshis coat!   Lele:Then you need to offer him a higher rake off than you do with other minor clients?   Biddy:Sorry, buddy. Time to seal my lips.   Lele:And you need to make real friends with the new clients?   Biddy:It's interest, not friendship, that counts in business.
  乐乐:比迪,今天忙什么?   比迪:我要去拜访住在城里的两位特殊客户。   乐乐:特殊?   比迪:一位经销我们本州产品70%的份额。真正的大客户。   乐乐:另一位呢?   比迪:上星期才着手经营我们的产品。   乐乐:拜访客户真的可以密切你们之间的关系吗?   比迪:还用你说。要是大客户临阵倒戈。我们公司马上垮台。   乐乐:是不是要比小客户给于更高的佣金呀?   比迪:不好意思,哥们儿。这个暂时还不能奉告。   乐乐:还要和新客户交朋友吗?   比迪:在商言商。没有永恒的朋友,只有永恒的利益。
[图片0]   情景用语   拜访两位特殊客户   visit two of our special clients
  经销我们70%的产品   deal with 70% of our products
  大客户倒戈   lion's share turns his coat
  给他更多的佣金/回扣   offer him higher rake-off
  扩展表达   商业秘密:business secret, trade secret   职业道德:work ethics   商务伙伴:business partnership   共赢:win-win   保密:maintain secrecy   互利:mutual benefit   佣金:commission , brokerage

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