

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网RRHQXD » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 职称考证 » 电子商务师 » 总算领会自由行常用英语


发布时间:2022-12-13 19:40:20
  情景对话   Bobbie:Do you still wanna go to San Francisco?   Lele:Yes. Why ask?   Bobbie:Because your chance is coming. I got two through tickets for Fisherman'sWharf, Golden Gate Park and other attractions.   Lele:No way! It's fantastic!I'd love to. But how can we get there and where can we stay?   Bobbie:I've just called a friend in San can drive on our own there andstay with him. Besides, there's room for you.   Lele:OK. I hope he won't mind.   Bobbie:No. He's dying to see you.   Lele:In this case, I'll go with you.   Bobbie: It takes about six hours driving here,so I need you to be a relieve on halfway. We can leave about noon and get there by suppertime.   Lele:Ok. Let me help pay for gasoline.   Bobbie:No. There won't be much expense except food.   Lele:Good. I can cook.
[图片0]   波比:你还想去旧金山吗?   乐乐:是呀.为什么这样问?   波比:因为你的机会来了。我有两张渔夫码头、金门公园和其他景点的通票。   乐乐:不会吧!太棒了!我很想去。但是我们怎么去,到那儿又住哪儿呢?   波比:我刚给旧金山的朋友打过电话。我们可以开车去.然后住在他家。另外.还有你住的地方呢。   乐乐:好的。希望他不会介意。   波比:不。他很想见你呢。   乐乐:既然这样.那我就跟你去。   波比:开车大约需要六个小时。所以我需要你在中途跟我换班开。我们可以中午出发,晚饭的时候到那儿。   乐乐:好的。让我来付一部分汽油费吧。   波比:不用。除了吃的.没有其他更多费用了。   乐乐:好啊,我可以做饭。
  扩展表达   副驾驶:copilot   长途:long distance   超速:overspeed, hypervelocity   罚单:ticket   安排住宿:accommodate ,put sb. up   疲劳:fatigue, tiredness

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