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位置:勤学思培训网CSDPAL » 培训新闻 » 职业技能 » 中西餐饮 » 小吃 » 终于知道露营英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-13 19:41:35
情景对话   Sara:Sam, why is this ugly RV in front of our house?   Sam:Honey, we're driving it on vocation. Do you know where we stay when we take   an RV trip? An RV camp! Isn't it amazing?   Sara:Not in my book. We're not campers. We don't camp.   Sam:Oh, come on. We will have lots of fun on camping.   Sara:We can go camping, but I'm in charge.   Sam:As you wish.   Sara:I know a place not far away from LosAngeles. It is special for its scenery,   and I went there with my parents as a kid.   Sam: Sara, do you really know where the place is or you just think you know?   Bobbie: Why don't you use the navigation?   Sam: Because your mom, the smart in the family, knows the exact name of the place.   Sara:There it is. Let's get off the RV and pitch the tents, set a campfire and fix the   dinner. Then, we hit on the road back.   Sam:Take it easy, Sara. It's not that bad to camp outside the city. Just enjoy it.
[图片0]   萨拉:山姆.为什么这辆难看的房车停在我们家前面?   山姆:亲爱的,我们开它去度假。你知道我们房车旅行会待在哪儿吗?房车营地!难道不棒吗?   萨拉:我可没觉出来。我们不是露营者,也不会露营。   山姆:哦,好啦。我们的露营会很好玩儿。   萨拉:我们可以去露营,但我说了算。   山姆:遵命!   萨拉:我知道离洛杉矶不远的一个地方,景色特别关,小时候我和我父母去过。   山姆:萨拉,你是真知道那个地方在哪儿还是你认为你知道?   波比:为什么不用导航仪呢?   山姆:因为***妈,咱们家的聪明人.知道那地方的名字。   扩展表达   房车/露营车:camper trailer, RV   露营炉:camp stove   营地:camping ground, campsite   睡袋:sleeping bag   帐篷:tent   露营帆布床:camp cot

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