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发布时间:2022-12-03 12:56:31
  简单精华句    case of an emergency, we will be at home during the party.   为了以防万一,开派对时我们会在家。
   you need me to drive you to the party?   你需要我开车送你去派对吗?
   want you to take the cell phone with you to the party.   我希望你去参加派对时带着手机。
  实用延展句    do you plan to get home?   你打算什么时候到家?
   may need your parents' help with unruly guests or during an emergency.   遇到不守规矩的客人或者紧急情况时,你可能会需要父母的帮助。
   should ensure that there are sufficient snacks and non-alcoholic beverages on hand for guests.   你应该确保有足够的零食和不含酒精的饮料供应。
   other parents know there will be a party? Curfews can be restricted or extended according to the circumstances.   其他父母知道有这个派对吗?可以根据情况适当放宽或者缩紧宵禁时间。
   want you to make sure all of your friends know our house rules.   我希望你能告诉所有的朋友咱们家的规矩。
   only those friends whom you trust. Will your parents be home during the party?   只邀请你信赖的朋友。开派对时你父母会在家吗?
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