

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网GEZYDK » 培训新闻 » 职业技能 » 中西餐饮 » 小吃 » 终于知晓树用英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-14 07:17:01
  常用句子   a banana tree香蕉树   a bird in the tree树上的鸟儿   a Christmas tree圣诞树   a coconut tree椰树   a dwarf tree盆景   a full-grown tree已长大的树   a leafy tree茂密的树   a maple leaf一片枫叶   a naked tree秃树   a pliant twig柔韧的小枝   a rubber tree橡胶树   a shade tree能遮阴的树   a slender/tender tree细枝,嫩枝   a withered tree枯萎的树   an avenue of giant trees两旁长着参天大树的林荫道.   an evergreen tree常绿树   an olive tree橄榄树
[图片0]   bark up a tree剥光一棵树的树皮   be shriveled up by the heat因酷署卷缩枯萎.   be stripped of the bark被剥去树皮   birds on the twigs of trees细树枝上的鸟   blow down a large tree(风)吹倒一棵大树   blow off the leaves把树叶吹落   branch forth in spring在春天抽芽   branch over the river(树)垂在河面上   brown leaves棕色树叶   brown slowly(树叶)渐渐变黄   climb down a tree从树上爬下来   climb (up) a tree爬树   cut down trees砍伐树林
  dig out the root of挖掉……的根   dig up roots挖出根   drooping branches下垂的树枝   fall off(树叶)凋落   fell a tree砍倒一棵树   grow up(树)长大   hew (down) a tree砍倒树木   hide among the branches藏在树枝里   in/come into leaf长叶子   injure the trees损坏树木   leap from tree to tree在树上跳来跳去   lose their leaves in the fall 秋季落叶   monkeys leaping from branch to branch在树枝间跳来跳去的猴子.   nibble the green leaves(虫子)啃食绿叶   old gnarled trees长满节瘤的老树
  pears on the tree树上的梨子   plant trees植树   pliable 易弯的   protect trees保护树木   put forth buds and leaves(树)发芽长叶   quivering leaves in a cold wintry wind严冬寒风中瑟瑟抖动的树叶.   raise fruit trees种植果树   rip off dead leaves扯去枯叶   root easily易生根   send forth branches长出新枝   send out roots长出根来   shed their leaves annually每年都落叶

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