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发布时间:2022-12-14 07:21:06
  常用词句   a bubbling brook潺潺的小溪   a clump of luxuriant verdue一丛茂盛的草木.   a field under corn玉米地   a fresh spring in the wilderness荒野里的清泉.   a glorious day in spring春光明媚的一天   a grassy hillside长满青草的山坡   a hill in the haze雾中的山丘   a twilight shadow幕色苍茫   a woody/wooded hillside树木葱笼的山坡   be clad/robed in verdure披着绿装   bee 蜜蜂   blithe larks欢乐的云雀   bloom/blossom luxuriantly(鲜花)盛开   break the ground破土.犁地   bright sunshine and gentle breeze/warm andsunny weather风和日暖.   butterfly 蝴蝶
  clear and fine weather晴朗的好天气   during the spring在春天   early spring早春   evening haze暮春   fall on the lake倒映在湖上   flowers appearing in early spring早春开的花.   flowers diffusing their sweets in the air在空气中散发芳香的鲜花.   flowery fields多花的田野   fresh weather凉爽的天气   grazing grounds牧场
[图片0]   hazy weather有薄雾的天气   herald/proclaim spring报春   hike out to the reservoir远足到水库   in/come into leaf长出叶子   invigorating/pleasant weather怡人的天气   lark 云雀   late spring幕春   lively larks活泼的云雀   produce/put out/put forth flowers开花   put forth buds and leaves in spring在春天吐芽长叶.   smell sweet闻起来很香   smell the spring in the air闻到春天的气息.   sunshining weather fill光明媚的天气   swallow 燕子
  the evening sun夕阳   the first bud幼芽   the fresh verdure of spring春天新鲜青葱的草木.   the hillside dotted with flowers开满花的山坡.   the low hills on the horizon远处地平线上的低矮山丘.   the middle of spring仲春   the mild days of spring春天温和的日子   the morning sun 旭日   throw long shadows on the grass 在草地上留下长长的影子.   trumpet flower喇叭花   wild flowers野花   willow's shadow垂柳的影子   young leaves嫩叶

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