

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

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发布时间:2022-12-14 07:33:07
  常用词句   100 kilometres northeast of Beijing 北京东北100公里   favorably situated city位置优越的城市   good place for a house建房子的好位置   a grassy plain on the left of the road路左边的草原.   a hidden rock beneath the surface 水下面的暗礁.   a nice spot for a picnic野餐的好地方   a pleasantly situated house四周环境优美的住宅.   a sandy beach under the cliff 峭壁下的沙滩.   a school in the vicinity附近的一所学校   a small village off the map一个偏僻的小村子.   around the last bend 绕过后一道弯   at the back of the house在房子后面
  be adjacent to与……相邻   be at the desk坐在桌旁   be bounded by the Pacific in the west西临太平洋.   be located five miles southeast of Suzhou位于苏州东南5英里处.   be located on the southwest edge位于西南边缘   be located somewhere on the Pacific coast位于太平洋沿岸某地.   be situated at the northern extreme of…位于……北端.   be situated down the Yangtze River位于长江下游.   be well-known far and wide远近闻名   come from far and near从四面八方来   drive up this street沿这条街开车   face (on) a river面临一条河   face the Yellow Sea on the east东临黄海   facing towards the east面翎东方   far away to the south在南方很远的地方
[图片0]   fly in a southerly direction 朝南飞   go ahead in this direction朝这个方向走   go to Yangzhou via Nanjing取道南京去扬州   grow trees along the streams沿着河流植树   hover over the fields在田野上空翱翔   in a village among the hills在一个群山环抱的村庄里.   in the adjacent woods在邻近的树林里   in the east of China在中国的东部   in the large room on the left在左边的大堂里.   in the middle of the room在房间中间.   in the rear of the house在房屋后面   in the shop nearby在附近的商店里   in the southernmost part of…在……南端.   in the vicinity/neighborhood of Beijing在北京附近.   just below the floor就在地板底下
  latitude 20 degrees south南纬20度   lie among pretty scenery四周风景秀丽   lie among the mountains位干群山中   lie in the east of China位于中国东部(在境内).   lie off the mouth of the river船)停泊在河口附近.   lie on the border of Jiangxi and Hunanprovinces位于江西和湖南交界处.   lie opposite Hainan Island正对着海南岛   lie opposite the cinema就在电影院对过   lie to the east of China 位于中国的东方(在中国境之外).   live far away/apart 住得很远   live in a lane of Nanjing Road住在南京路的一条巷子里.   live just across the street就住在街对过   live somewhere in the neighbourhood住在附近某处.   live within calling distance住得近,一叫就听得见.   located on a business centre位于商业中心   longitude 30 degrees west西经30度   lying here and there四处散落   lying in the eastern half of the country位于这个国家的东半部.   on the left-hand side of the street在街道的左边

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