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发布时间:2022-12-14 07:34:44
  常用词句   -feet above the sea海拔8 000英尺   A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.   海内存知己.天涯若比邻。   a quiet town on the see 一座宁静的海滨城镇.   an expanse of the sea辽阔的海洋   agitate (海浪)翻滚   anchor inside the bay停泊在海湾里   as boundless as the sea and sky海阔天空   at full sea满潮,高潮   ban on maritime trade or intercourse with foreign countries海禁.   bathing beach海滨浴场   bay /gulf海湾,湾   be buried at sea葬身大海,海葬   beyond/across/over the sea(s)在海外   billowy ocean波涛汹涌的海洋   boundless sea无边无际的大海   burial in the sea海葬
  calm sea平静的海   calm/placid sea平静的海面   chopping sea波涛汹涌的大海   city on a bay海湾城市   clear the ocean of pirates扫荡海盗   coast defence force海防部队   coast defence海防   coastal areas and territorial seas海疆   cottage on the beach海边小屋   current in the sea海流   deep seas深海   distance traveled by sea/voyage海程   empty/flow into the sea流入大海   explore strange seas探寻陌生海域   form a beautiful bay形成一个美丽的海湾   gale from the sea来自海上的强风   glassy sea波平如镜的海面   go to sea当水手·出海
[图片0]   head sea逆浪.顶头浪   height above sea level/elevation 海拔   high sea公海   high/heavy/rough sea 巨浪汹涌的海面   inland sea 内海   islander海岛居民   islands in the Pacific Ocean太平洋上的岛屿.   land-locked bay被陆地包围的海湾   marine animal海洋动物   marine corps海军陆战队   marine products海产   maritime affairs海事   maritime convention海洋公约   mighty ocean汪洋大海   mirage 海市厦楼
  Nanhai Sea waters南海海域   naval air force海军航空兵   naval maneuver/exercise海军演习   navigate the high seas航行于公海   ocean lines海洋航线   outpost of coastal defence海防前哨   perils of the sea海滩   petrel 海燕   pleasure beach海滨娱乐场   plow through the sea在海上破浪前进   rock-strewn beach岩石遍地的海滩   rolling sea波涛起伏的海面   ruffled/troubled sea波涛翻滚的大海

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