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位置:勤学思培训网LYMEZD » 培训新闻 » 文体艺术 » 书画 » 书法 » 总算找到船的英语怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-14 07:33:48
  常用词句   a bad/poor sailor容易晕船的人   a fair-weather sailor没有经过风浪的水手   a good sailor 不晕船的人   a sail on the horizon地平线上的一片自帆   a weather-beaten sailor饱经风雨的海员   abandon/desert a ship 弃船   anchor a ship just off the coast就在海岸附近抛锚停泊.   at full/moderate/slow speed全/中/慢速   barge 平底船   be sent by the shipboard to New York被用船运往纽约.   be under canvas张帆   beat/track against the wind在逆风中抢风行驶   board a boat/ship 上船   boat put off from a ship大船上放下的小船   boatswain 水手长   brail/clue up a sail 张着风帆   bring a ship to anchor抛锚停泊
  canoe 独木舟   capital ship主力舰   capsize 翻(船)   captain /master/skipper船长   cargo (船或飞机装载的)货物   cargo ship货轮,货船   cargo-passenger ship/passcngcr freight客货轮.   catch a boat赶船   chart 海图   chief engineer轮机长   chief officer大副   coast-guard ship海岸警备船   container ship集装箱船   cross a stream in a boat乘船过河   customs launch 海关艇   days on shipboard在船上度过的日子   disembark 下船   domestic shipping route国内航线   draw deep (fifteen feet of water)吃水深(15英尺).
[图片0]   embark 上船,登船   enjoy boating on the lake喜欢在湖上划船   excursion ship游览船   fasten a boat系船   ferry 渡船   ferryboat渡轮   fishing boat渔船   flag ship旗舰   flap in the wind(帆)在风中飘动   free ship 中立国船只   freight a ship with wheat把小麦装船   freighter 货船   get off a ship下船   go aboard/go on board a ship上船   go down in a storm在风暴雨沉没   go for a sai,乘船游玩   go on shipboard上船,乘船   go to sea当海员   go to the lake for boating去湖上划船   guard/picket boat巡逻艇   haul down a sail落帆,下帆   have a list to port左舷倾侧

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