

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网RRHQXD » 培训新闻 » 学历文凭 » 考研考博 » 研修班 » 终于找到会计专业英语


发布时间:2022-12-14 07:41:36
  常用词句   a profit and loss account损益账   an open account未清账户·未结账户   account payable应付账款   account receivable应收账款   accountant 会计   accounting section财务科   accrued expense 应计收入   adjust accounts核算,调整账户   audit 审记,稽查   audit accounts查账   balance accounts with与……结清账目   balance of accounts账户余差额   bank giro 银行转账
  .会计卡   C/D (carried down)结转   cancel an account销账   capital gain资本增益   cash dispenser 付现金机   cashier 司库.出纳员   charge the amount to his account把这笔金额记在他的账上.   check/examine accounts审核账目   close an account with the bank与银行结束账户.   cook/doctor the account把一笔账登入账簿   daily balance日计表   day-to-day/running accounts流水账   debit 借方.借入   duplicate account账目副本
[图片0]   enter an item in an account把一笔账记入账户.   falsify accounts窜改账目   financial statement财务报表,决算表   have an account to settle with sb.有账要与某人清算.   have an account with Bank of China在中国银行有一个账户.   have no account with the bank在银行未立账户.   interim account 临时开户   itemize an account 列细账   items of an account账目   keep a regular account of one's income andexpenses对自己的收入定期记账.   keep accounts计账   keep household account 记家庭收支账   ledger 分类账   letter of hypothecation 押汇负责书   liquidation 清理.清算   maturity date到期日   money accounts现金账   monthly statement月结单   notice of dishonour退票通知单
  offer charge/credit account提供赊购账户   open a post office account在邮局开户头   open an account to sb.'s name以某人的名字开立赊购账户.   open/start an account at a bank在银行里开立账户.   outgoing remittance 支出汇款   over-borrowing超借   paid-in capital实收资本   paying-in slip交款通知单   publish accounts公布账目   put sth. down to/on my account把……记在在我的账上.   settle/square accounts with与……结清账目

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