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位置:勤学思培训网RMOYRF » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 健康养生 » 育婴师 » 总算明了关于青春的英语


发布时间:2022-12-14 08:19:47
  a female youth女青年   a greenhorn youth没有经验的青年   a handsome youth英俊的青年   a lively youngster一个活泼的青年   a promising youth有前途的青年   a romantic youth浪漫的青年   a smart youth潇洒的青年   a talented youth有才华的青年   a teenage club青少年俱乐部   a young face一张充满青春活力的脸   a young person一个年轻人   a youth of eighteen一个18岁的青年   a youth of great enterprise进取心强的青年.   a youth of promise in painting circles在绘画界大有前途的青年.   a youth of promise有前途的青年   an immature youth未成熟的青年   an industrious youth勤奋的青年   an unsophisticated youth天真无邪的青年   attain/achieve one's ambition实现大志
  be filled with ambitions有雄心   be popular with the young在年轻人中受欢迎.   be young at sixty 60岁还朝气蓬勃   be young for one's age比实际年龄撇得年轻   comparatively young比较年轻   destroy one's youth毁了某人的青春   fly at high gains胸怀大志   fulfil one's dream实现梦想   gain one's goa一实现目标   her adored youth她爱慕的青年
[图片0]   in one's hot/raw/vigorous youth在血气方刚的青年时代.   in one's tender youth正值青春年少   in one's youth在……青年时代   in youth在青年时代   keep/maintain one's youth保持年轻   look youthful看上去年轻   modern youth现代青年   renew one's youth返老还童
  set one's heart on becoming an expert决心当一名专家.   several youngsters 几个年轻人   short-lived易逝   soaring ambitions壮志凌云   spend one's youth in在……度过青年时代
  teenage youths 十几岁的青年   the adored youth令人爱慕的青年   the art of retaining youth不老之术   the enthusiasm of youth青少年时期的热情   the secret of keeping one's youth保持年轻的秘诀.   the vigour of youth青春的活力   the youth of the country这个国家的青年   the youth青年们
  undying youth不老的青春   village/farm youth农村青年   waste one's youth浪费青春   wear out one's youth耗尽青春   young in spirit充满朝气   young people年轻人

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