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发布时间:2022-12-14 08:23:45
  a pleasant surprise既高兴又意外   a very astonishing piece of news非常令人吃惊的消息.   amaze 使惊愕/使惊异   ask in amazement吃惊地问
  be a great shock to使……大为震惊   be agreeably surprised又惊又喜   be alarmed at/about感到惊慌   be amazed at his calmness 对他的镇静感到惊讶be amazed at惊异.发愣   be appalled at吓坏了   be astonished at your conduct对你的行为感到吃惊.   be astonished on seeing her看见她很吃惊   be awed into silence吓得不敢出声   be disagreeably surprised吃惊而又不快   be dumb with astonishment惊得说不出话来   be frightened at 怕   be horrified at对……不寒而栗   be lost in awe敬畏不已   be petrified with terror吓呆了   be scared out of one's wits吓得不知所措   be scared to death吓得要死   be startled at/by the news听到这消息大吃一惊.   be startled from/out of sleep从睡眠中惊醒.   be stunned by/with the sudden news被突然的消息惊呆.   be surprised at惊讶   be taken by surprise/start吓一跳,吃一惊   be terrified at/by/with给……吓一跳   be utterly/completely astounded at/by 对……非常震惊.   be very much shocked at the sight 看到那景象大为震惊.
[图片0]   exclaim in surprise惊呼   feel surprise at对……感到惊讶   frighten 惊恐   frighten sb. into doing sth.吓得某人做某事.   in dumb surprise惊得目瞪口呆   scare 凉吓,恐慌   scare away吓跑   scared 害怕的.吓坏的   shock 震惊,使震惊   shudder 发抖   shudder/trremble with fear吓得浑身发抖   stare at sb. in/with amazement诧异地注视着.   stun 使震惊.使发愣   surprise sb. into doing sth.出其不意地使……做.   surprise sth. from/out of sb.出其不意地使……说出。
  take by surprise使吃惊   take fright at sth.因某事受惊吓   terrify sb. into doing sth.吓唬某人做某事.   to the surprise of everybody使大家惊奇的是.   tremble 发抖

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