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发布时间:2022-12-03 14:19:46

A: Today so many people are talking about AIDS. Is the AIDS epidemic very serious now? B: Oh, this disease will be the most serious public-health problem we are facing in the 21 century. On an global scale, it threatens to undermine countries.
A: Oh, it's so terrible? What do you mean by “undermine countries”? B: It is a very serious disease in the middle ages of the population, so that it will greatly reduce the number of people carrying out the functions of the society.
A: We know that AIDS is mainly caused by sex contact and blood exchange or drug abuse. Do you think people's basic behavior can be altered in time to stop the AIDS epidemic? B: In time to have a significant impact, yes. I don't think we'll be perfect. People will respond differently. People were obviously willing to change their behavior when they were made to realize how severe a risk they were taking.
A: What about groups not yet hard hit? Can the message get to them before massive death occurs? B: It is certainly harder to reach people when they don't see the consequence of what they're doing right around them.
A: How can we reach people? B: A massive educational campaign is the only thing conceivable at the moment that can help. A: So everyone shall not pass the ball in fighting against AIDS. [图片1] 韦博英语小编提醒您:英语口语翻译时,经常会遇到一些令人啼笑皆非的小尴尬,因为语言习惯不同,人们的翻译结果也不尽相同,所以,多了解一些你所不知道的老外的口语吧,以下是关于疾病的英语对话翻译。
A:现在很多人在谈论艾滋病,它的传播程度很严重吗? B:艾滋病是21世纪我们面临的头号健康大敌。从全球范围来说,艾滋病将危害国计民生。
A:有那么严重吗?你所说的危害“国计民生”是指什么? B:艾滋病会在中间年龄段人群中间广泛传播,导致在社会上工作的人员大量减少。
A:艾滋病主要是通过性接触和血液,或者是吸毒传播的。你认为我们可以及时改变人们的基本行为,来阻止艾滋病的传播吗? B:及时产生重大影响,是可以做到的,我认为我们不会有什么万全之策。人们会做出不同的反应。当人们意识到自己的行为实在冒险时,他们显然愿意改变自己的行为。
A:对于那些还未受到危害的群体,在大规模死亡发生之前,他们能意识到艾滋病的严重性吗? B:当人们对自己的所作所为未看到有何不良后果时,要让人们意识到问题的性质肯定会难得多。
A:怎样才能让人们意识到问题的严重性呢? B:开展大规模的教育是目前惟一行之有效的手段。 A:所以,与艾滋病之战,每个人都责无旁贷。

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