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发布时间:2022-12-14 18:57:06
  salary 薪水   高手点拨   salary是个多义词,多词性词即名词和动词两种。作动词表示“给……加薪;给……薪水”,作为名词表示“薪水”之意。   Hewould not accept this office for such a small salary.(他不愿拿这么少的薪金来担任这项职务。).   作为词根可以扩展形容词salaried有薪水的:领薪水的:近义词有emolument/paycheck.
  扩展分享   monthly salary 月薪.   He says he has trouble getting by on his $250 monthly salary.(他说,仅靠他每个月250美元的薪水,要维持生计都很难。).
  basic salary 基本薪金.   Whatever he got besides his basic salary was put by for his old age.(凡是在基本工资以外的收入他都存起来以备年老时用。).
  salary increase 加薪   Salary increase will only be granted for good performance.(员工只有当取得良好的工作绩效时,才能享有加薪。).

[图片0]   词汇积累.   annual pension年薪   year-end bonus年终奖   bonus 奖金;红利   overtime pay加班费   pay 工资,薪水;付款   gross 总额,总数   wage 工资;代价;报偿   piece rate计件工资   pay 工资,薪水   merit pay绩效工资
  短对话   A: Would you consider an offer of 556,000 per year?   B:Umm... Are these things negotiable?   A:年薪五万六千美元,可以考虑吗?   B:呢……这些可以再商量商量吗?
  A: Are there other bonuses included?   B:Well, apart from full health insurance we do offer a company staff bonus scheme linked to readership numbers.   A:这包括奖金吗?   B:这包括奖金吗?除了全额的医疗保险,我们还有一套与读者有关的奖金体制。
  A: Have you had a chance to look over the contract?   B:Yes. I've read it carefully.   A:你有机会看一下合约吗?   B:有。我很仔细地看过。

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