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发布时间:2022-12-14 19:35:40
  teahouse 茶馆:茶室   高手点拨   "teahouse”是个多义词,它可以指“茶馆,茶室,茶座”。而且还有英式咖啡馆的意思.   An opera stage in a teahouse?(茶馆里面有戏台?).
  扩展分享   teahouse的近义词有teashop/tearoom.   The background musicis too noisy in the tearoom.(茶室的背景音乐太吵了。).
  词汇积累   enjoy tea品茶   tea-things茶具   teapoy 茶几;三脚小桌   pot 茶壶   teacup 茶杯   spoon 勺子,汤匙   strainer过滤器   tea-strainer滤茶器   tea strainer spoon滤茶勺   saucer 茶托,浅碟
[图片0]   tea 茶叶   高手点拨   tea是个多义词,它可以指“茶,喝茶”之意。叹知Sometimesdrink tea(我有时喝点儿茶。)近义词有tealeaf/refreshments,在美国的埋语中还有当作大麻的一种说法。
  扩展分享   tea leaf茶叶.   Tea leaf contains a lot of microelements that aregood for humans' health.(茶叶含有不少对人体有益的微量元素。).   cup of tea n命运;心爱之人或物;low tea[美国英语]晚餐前的茶点:husband's tea【口语】极淡的茶:tea and sympathy【口语】对不幸者的安慰和同情.
  词汇积累   tea bush茶树   tea harvesting采青   tea leaves茶青   withering 萎凋   fermentation 发酵   oxidation 氧化   pile 堆叠
  短对话   A: I could never understand the classification of tea.   B: The classification of tea is confusing and there is no agreement.   A:我从来都没搞清楚茶叶的种类。   B:茶叶的分类比较复杂的,而且没有定论。
  A: It is said different tea has different benefits to human body,isn't it?   B: Yes, it is.   A:据说不同的茶,对人体的功效不同,是这样吗?   B:的确如此。
  A: There seems to be a lot of knowledge about tea.   B: That's why we have "tea culture".   A:关于茶州以乎有很多知识呢?   B:所以这叫茶文化。

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