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发布时间:2022-12-14 21:08:40
[图片0] I' m tired and listless. My loins and back ache. I can' t survive this kind of persistent stress and strain any longer. 我很累、浑身无力、腰酸背痛。这种长时间紧张的压力,我再也受不了了,我要休息一下。 You need exercise, jogging, push ups on the ground, swimming, and sit ups on the bed-they help. 你需要运动,慢跑、俯卧撑、游泳、在床上做仰卧起坐-这些会有帮助。 I don' t feel like doing those kinds of exercises.我不想做这些运动。 You have to do them if you want to be full of energy. Come with me to an aerobics class. We can stretch our limbs together. It will improve your mood and body. 如果你想保持旺盛的体力,就得做。明天跟我去上有氧舞蹈课,一起伸展四肢,使你的身体和心情完全好起来。 Can aerobics dance really remove my fatigue?你确信有氧舞蹈真能消除疲劳吗? It can. It can also slim your body, relieve your depression, and alleviate your muscular aches. You can do many other exercises in the fitness centre if you don' t like aerobics dancing. 是的。它还会使你身材苗条,消除精神不振,减轻肌肉酸痛。如果你不喜欢有氧舞蹈,你在那个健康中心还可以做别的运动。 Is there fitness equipment for other exercises?那里有别的运动健身器材吗? Yes, there are stationary bikes, rowing machines, padded bags for boxing practice, and weight equipment. And there are professionals who teach you how to use these equipment. If your muscles get sore after exercising, the physiotherapists there can help you. 有。有固定自行车、划船机械、拳击练习沙包、举重设备。有专职人员教你如何使用这些设施。如果肌肉因为运动而觉得不舒服,那里的物理治疗师可以帮助你。 美联英语小编建议大家学习生活必用的英语会话句型,在不同场景及使用时机掌握对话,将句型融入对话中。

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