

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网CSDPAL » 培训新闻 » 中小学 » 中小学课外辅导 » 小学学科辅导 » 终于知晓房屋结构英语词汇


发布时间:2022-12-15 07:58:06
[图片0]   实用词汇   bedroom 卧室   study 书房   kitchen 厨房   bathroom 卫生间   attic 阁楼;顶楼(也可以用garret).   basement 地下室;地库(也可以用cellar).   floor 地板;地面;(楼房的)层.   ceiling 天花板   central heating中央暖气系统;集中供热设备   partition 隔断   roof 屋顶   roof garden 屋顶花园   dining room 饭厅;餐厅   living room 起居室:客厅   stairs 楼梯   suspended ceiling 吊顶   beam 梁;横梁   column 柱   ground plan 平面图   storeroom 贮藏室   walk-in closet步入式衣帽间   solar water heater太阳能热水器
  活用句型   She stayed in her bedroom for the whole night.   她一晚上都呆在卧室里。
  When you enter the study, you can see a desk by the window.   当你进入书房时,就会看见窗边有个书桌。
  I cook my breakfast at seven o'clock in the kitchen.   我早上七点钟在厨房做早餐。
  We are sitting on the couch in the living room chatting.   我们坐在客厅的沙发上聊天。
  She weighed herself on the bathroom scale.   她在浴室秤上称体重。
  These stairs will take you up to the attic.   这楼梯通到阁楼。
  I lived in a basement apartment in Beijing.   我住在北京一所地下室公寓里。
  The living room was lined from floor to ceiling with bookcases.   客厅的墙上全是书架,从地板一直到天花板。
  All rooms are equipped with central heating and solar waterheaters.   所有房间都有中央暖气系统和太阳能热水器。
  He partitioned off part of the room as a kitchen.   他将房间的一部分隔开作为厨房。
  The wind was whispering in the roof.   屋顶上风声飒飒。

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