

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网LBGNBG » 培训新闻 » 语言培训 » 英语 » 少儿英语 » 终于知晓同事关系英文


发布时间:2022-12-15 22:00:30
  经典句型   Sara is a night person. She always calls me at night.   萨拉是个夜猫子,她经常半夜给我打电话。
  My colleague is a chain smoker.   我的同事是个烟鬼。
  Mark has a bad temper   马克脾气不好。
  I cannot get along well with him.   我没法跟他好好相处。
  I'm so sorry to trouble you.   我很抱歉跟您添麻烦了。
  You need courage to make friends with your colleagues.   你需要勇气去跟你的同事做朋友。
  I have decided to resign.   我已经决定辞职了。
[图片0]   We all appreciate her performance at the company.   我们都欣赏她在公司里的表现。
  I didn't mean to offend her.   我不是故意去冒犯她的。
  I think Mary's handwriting is great.   我认为玛丽的字体很漂亮。
  I'm sorry to hear that you will withdraw from our team next week.   听说你下周就要离开我们团队了我很难过。
  We will have a new puncher in our office.   我才门的办公室会有新的打卡机。
  I have to work overtime today.   我今天不得不加班。
  Would you please substitute for me tomorrow?   明天你能代替我一天吗?
  常用词汇   performance 表现   handwriting 书写   temper 脾气   offend 冒犯;触怒   get along 相处   chain 烟鬼   troble 麻烦   temper 脾气   offend 冒犯;触发   quit 离开;停止;放弃   puncher 打卡机   withdraw 撒退;取钱   tied up 忙得不可开交   overtime 加班   substitute 代替

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