

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网LBGNBG » 培训新闻 » 文体艺术 » 舞蹈 » 肚皮舞 » 总算知道市场调查英文


发布时间:2022-12-15 22:07:40
  市场调查 Market Survey   经典句型   The advantage of our product is its light weight and less expensive price.   我们产品的优点是它很轻又不贵。
  You can make any comments on our product after buying it.   您购买我们的产品后可以做任可评论。
  We are certain that our company has potential. Believe us!   我确定我们公司有潜力,请相信我们!
  Compared with previous product, I think this is more practical and economical.   跟前一个产品比较我觉得这款更实用更划算。
  How is the economic growth of our company this year?   今年我们公司的经济增长怎么样?
  How can you attract the consumers when you sell your product?   当你卖你的产品时怎么吸引消费者?
[图片0]   Our company provides a lot of service.   我们公司提供很多服务。
  I think our product is lack of variety.   我想我们的产品缺乏多样性。
  Although the competition of this product is tough, we should have a try.   虽然这种产品的竞争很激烈.但是我们需要尝试一下。
  This project would be a big challenge for us.   这次项目对我们来说是一个大的挑战。   If you purchase any of our new products, we would present an earphone.
  What have you got from the market survey?   你从市场调查中发现了什么?
  常用词汇   expand 发展;扩充   average 平均;平均数   growth 增长,成长   analysis 分析   accelerate 增速   range 范围   potential 潜力;潜在的.   compare 比喻为;对照   advantage 优点   comment 评论;意见

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