

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网KTYKGJ » 培训新闻 » 中小学 » 拓展训练营 » 素质教育 » 终于懂得出差日常英语


发布时间:2022-12-15 22:31:25
  常用句型   The company sent me here on a business trip.   公司派我来这里出差。
  I would like to request my travel reimbursement.   我想要报销旅费.
  No wonder the taxi fare is so expensive.   难怪出租车费这么贵。
  A man collected tolls at the gateway.   一个人在门口收通行费。
  What's the expense standard for travel?   差旅费标准是怎样的?
  Can you arrange the invoices in order of their dates?   你能按日期顺序整理发票口驴
  You can rent a car at the car rental counters over there.   你可以在那边的租车柜台租车。
  I was then in a sleeping car of a direct train from Changchun toBeijing.   我当时在一列从长春到北京的直达列车的卧铺车厢里。
  What are the travel regulations of our company?   我们公司的出差制度是什么样的?
[图片0]   实用词汇   on a business trip出差   traveling expenses旅费   reimbursement 报销   taxi fare出租车费   parking fee停车费   expense account报销单   invoice 发票   expense standard 费用标准   rent a car 租车   sleeping car 卧铺车厢   travel regulations 出差制度   receipt 收据   allowance 津贴   itinerary 旅行计划   premium 保险费   daily necessities日常用品   accommodation cost住宿费   hotel rates宾馆房价   room charge sheet房价表   advance deposit定金   travel route出差路线   travel authorization出差审批单

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