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位置:勤学思培训网SZDFSL » 培训新闻 » 资格考试 » 职称考证 » 职业经理人 » 总算明白关于地铁的英文


发布时间:2022-12-16 11:38:57
  常见词汇   subway 地铁   ticket machine 自动售票机   route map 线路图   elevator 电梯   fare 车费   change trains 换乘地铁   go direct 直达   transfer 换乘   transfer station 换乘站   ticket 车票   available 有效的
  常用句子   1.地铁站在哪儿?   Where is the subway station?
  2.我们在哪儿付车费?   Where do we pay the fare?
  3.我该坐哪趟地铁呢?   Which subway should I take?
  4.换乘地铁要另外付费吗?   Do I have to pay an additional fare to transfer?
  5.这班地铁多长时间来一次?   How frequent is this subway service?
[图片0]   6.我该如何换乘?   How do I transfer?
  7.哪个站是换乘站?   Which is the transfer station?
  8.地铁每隔10分钟有一班。   The subway leaves every ten minutes.
  9.去售票机买票。   Go to the ticket machine.
  10.乘绿线到中央公园下车。   Take the green line to Center Park and get off.
  11.为了安全起见,不要倚靠车门。   For your safety, keep back from the doors.
  情景短对话   A: Where is the subway station?   地铁站在哪儿?   B: Do you see that sign? The subway station is just over there.   您看到那个标志了吗?地铁站就在那边。
  A: How often does the subway come?   地铁多长时间来一趟?   B: about once every five first subway is coming.   大约每5分钟一趟。首班地铁就要来了。
  A: How can I get out of the station after getting off the subway?   我下地铁后该怎么出站?   B: That' s easy. Just follow the other people.   那很容易,跟着其他人就行了。

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