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位置:勤学思培训网RMOYRF » 培训新闻 » 文体艺术 » 球类 » 篮球 » 总算明白出境英语口语


发布时间:2022-12-16 11:50:20
  常见词汇   departrue n.离境,出境   outbound a.出境的   passport n.护照   nationality n.国籍   visa n.(护照等上的)签证   visa-granting office签证机关   security check安检   custom n.海关;关税   frontier n.国境;边境   emigrant n.(往他国的)移民   emigration office 移民局官员   emigration office移民局   outbound tourism出境游   outbound tourist出境游客   outbound consumer出境消费者
[图片0]   常用句子   You could face deportation if you can not find a job in this country.   如果你在这个国家找不到工作,你可能会被驱逐出境。
  Mr. Li bought his wife some duty-free make-ups.   李先生给他太太买了些免税化妆品。
  Will you sell duty-free goods on this train?   这班火车上卖免税商品吗?
  Duty-free shopping zones are being set up in Hainan.   海南岛正在建设免税购物区。
  May I have the form for tax refund?   能给我张退税表吗?
  They had left the luggage at the bus station.   他们将行李留在汽车站。
  This air company wants to hire new crew members.   这家航空公司想雇佣新的机组人员。
  Last month I applied for a visa for business travel.   上个月我申请了一个商务旅行签证。
  Like HongKong, the former fishing village has now become an important port.   像香港那样,这个过去的渔村现已成为重要港口。
  情景对话   A: Good morning!   B: What do you need, please?   A: Please show me your passport, departure card and boarding pass.   B: Here you are.   A: Excuse me. Did you enter China last week?   B: Yes, on October 10th.   A: Through which port and how did you enter China?   B: I took a shuttle bus from Hong Kong to Shenzhen through port Huanggang.   A: What did you do in China?   B: Just for traveling.   A: Where will you go today?   B: I'm going on a journey to Japan.   A: Nice trip.   B: Thank you.
  A:早上好!   B:请问您需要什么?   A:请出示您的护照、出境登记卡和登机牌。   B:给您.   A:您好,你是上个星期人境中国的是吗?   B:是的,十月十号。   A:你是从哪个口岸乘坐什么交通运输工具入境的?   B:我是从深圳的皇岗口岸入境的,从香港乘坐港深大巴到达内地。   A:你来中国做什么呢?   B:旅游。   A:你这次去哪里?   B:去日本旅行。   A:祝你旅途愉快。   B:谢谢。

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