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发布时间:2022-12-16 11:54:52
  常见词汇   capital market资本市场   conception n.思想,观念,概念   narrow definition狭义解释   broad definition广义解释   microscopic a.显微镜的,极小的,微观的   mechanism n.机械装置;机理;办法,途径   currency n.货币,流通   credit n.信用   financial institution 金融机构   issue v.分发,流出;颁布,发行   savings deposit 储蓄存款   loan n.贷款,借,贷   exchange v.交换,兑换   insurance n.保险,保险费,安全保障   communication n.交流,通讯
[图片0]   常用句子   It's necessary to guard against financial crisis during prosperous period.   在经济繁荣时期有必要防范金融风暴。   The company successfully defused the financial risk this time.   这家公司这次成功地化解了金融风险。   The volatility of financial markets has declined.   金融市场的动荡幅度已经降了。   The government interrupted to expedite the reform of the financial system.   政府干预加快金融体制改革。   The company is a financial magnate.   这家公司是个金融巨头。   He failed to meet a financial obligation.   他无法偿还金融债务。   The international financial market is shaky.   国际金融市场不稳定。   情景会话   A: I have no conception of finance. Can you tell me some details?   B: Sure. The narrow definition of it is that finance is the microscopic operating mechanism in capital market. However the broad definition is that finance is the generic term of financial activities related to currency, credit and financial institution.   A: It's still abstract to me. What are the categories of finance?   B: Issuing currency, enterprise or personal savings deposit, issuing loans,exchanging in the international currency market, insurance and thelike are all the categories of finance.   A: When raising capital, does it need intermediations, such as banks?   B: It depends. If the funds deficit unit raises capital through no intermediations, it's called direct finance. Otherwise, it's called indirect finance.   A: In this way, it strengthens international financial connection and communication, right?   B: Exactly.   A: I think I have known better about finance. Thanks.   B: You're welcome.   A:我对金融一点概念也没有,你能给我仔细讲讲吗?   B:当然可以。狭义金融是指资本市场的微观运行机制。广义金融是与货币、信用和金融机构相关的经济活动的总称。   A:对我来说还是太抽象了。你能说说金融有哪些范畴吗?   B:发行货币,企业或者个人储蓄存款,发放贷款,国际货币市场上的兑换,保险等一类都是金融的范畴。   A:融资的时候,需要通过银行等中间媒介吗?   B:这不是的。如果货币资金需求者不通过中间媒介,就成为直接金融,反之,就是间接金融。   A:这样的话,金融就能够加强国际经济联系与交流,对吗?   B:非常正确。   A:我想我现在比较了解金融了,谢谢了。   B:不客气。

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