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发布时间:2022-12-16 11:57:32
  常见词汇   incentive a.刺激的,鼓励的n.刺激,鼓励,动机.   persuade vt.说服,劝服:使相信   client n.委托人,客户   encourage vt.鼓励,激励   purchase vt.买,购买n·购买,购买的物品   focus on 以……为焦点;集中于   visitor n.参观者,访问者,来客   impression n.印象,感觉   channel n.方法,通道   media n.新闻媒介,传播媒介   personal selling 人员推售   sales exhibition 展销   at a discount 减价   lucky drawing 幸运抽奖   effectiveness n.有效性,效力
[图片0]   常用句子   We take the opportunity to introduce our company as a leading role in animals by-products in our area.   我们借此机会介绍我们公司是当地畜产品的领头军。   We took the liberty of sending samples of our new product to your company, and hope there would be future cooperation between us.   我们冒昧地把我们公司新产品的样本寄给你们,并希望我们将来有合作。   We assure that our T-shirts are superior in quality and reasonable in price.   我们确保我们的T恤质量上乘。价格合理。   Coke-cola enjoys fast sales in the world.   可口可乐在世界畅销。   (phones meet with warm reception for its high-technology.   苹果手机因其高科技术很受欢迎。   This coupon will entitle you to a 30% discount on any purchase of our products.   持此优惠券购买我们的任何产品,将享受七折优惠。   Sales promotion is to your advantage to promote your company.   促销对宣传你们公司是有利的。
  情景会话   A: Sales promotion is usually used as an incentive to encourage people to purchase these products.   B: Yes, and there are many channels to achieve the goal, such as promoting by personal selling and discounting, through media and sales exhibition.   A: You must remember that last year our company focused on sales exhibition to sell our new products, which is a huge success.   B: Of course. We had made preparations for it for a long time, inviting visitors, packing our products and preparing gifts for the lucky drawing.   A: We succeeded in arousing their interests in our products, which gavea deep impression on them, and finally we succeeded in persuading clients to purchase them.   B: Through sales exhibition, our products got promotion and gave a long-term effectiveness to our company.
  A:促销是一种有效的刺激方法,能够鼓励人们去购买他们的商品。   B:是的。可以通过很多渠道达到促销的目的,如通过人员推销和打折扣,或者通过媒体和展销。   A:你肯定记得去年我们公司集中通过展销来卖出我们的新产品,那一次展销很成功。   B:当然记得,我们为展会准备了很长时间,邀请参观者,包装产品,准备幸运抽奖的礼物。   A:我们的产品给他们留下了很深的印象,成功地引起了他们的兴趣,并终说服客户购买产品。   B:通过展销,我们的产品成功促销了,并给我们公司带来了长期效益。

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