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发布时间:2022-12-16 12:01:14
  常见词汇   toner cartridge 墨粉盒   jet cartridge 墨粉   ink cartridge 墨盒   thermal transfer ribbon 碳带   printing ink 油墨   copier n.复印机   paper shredder 碎纸机   fax machine传真机   all-in-one printing machine印刷一体机   portable drive移动存储   printer n.打印机   input device输入设备   print paper打印纸   plotter n.绘图仪   scanner n.扫描仪
[图片0]   常用句子   The publisher has published many interesting books these years.   这家出版社这些年来出版了好多有趣的书。
  Please save a copy of this document before you send it out.   在你把这份文件送出去之前请保留一份副本。
  He shredded his books in angry.   他盛怒之下把书都撕碎了。
  Please print this document immediately.   请立刻把这份文件打印出来。
  There is something with this printer. Could you help me to mend it?   这个打印机坏了,你能帮我修一下吗?
  He asked me to scan my ID into the computer.   他让我把身份证扫描到电脑里。
  This printer has been linked with the computer.   这台打印机和电脑联接在一起。
  Press the start button then the printer begins to work.   按一下开始按钮,打印机就开始工作了。
  The new printer has adopted the latest high technology.   这台打印机采用了新的高科技。
  情景会话   A: Do you need help?   B: Yes. I want to print some documents. But it seems there is something wrong with the printer. It doesn't work.   A: Really? Let me have a look.   B: Do you know what is wrong with it?   A: The printer cartridge needs to be changed. Can you do it?   B: Sorry, I don't know how to do.   A: It doesn't matter. I'll help you.   B: Thank you very much. It's so kind of you.   A: Not at all. Wait a moment... It's OK now.   B: Yes, it begins to work.   A: Do you have any other problems?   B: Oh, yes. I also want to copy some papers. But I don't know how to use the copier.   A: This copier is really complex to operate. At first, you should press the"input" button. Then type the password which is 12345. And then press"OK" button. Then choose the size of paper which is usually A4. At last press the "start" button. Then it begins to duplicate.   B: Oh, I got it. Thank you very much.
  A:你需要帮忙吗?   B:是的,我想打印一些文件,但是打印机好像出了点问题,它不运行了。   A:是吗?我来看看呢。   B:你知道出了什么问题吗?   A:打印机的硒鼓需要更换了。你会换吗?   B:对不起,我不知道该怎么换。   A:没关系,我来帮你。   B:谢谢,你真是太好了。   A:不客气。等一下啊……好了,换好了。   B:真的,它开始运行了。   A:你还有其他问题吗?   B:是的,我还想复印一些文件,但是我不知道怎么用这个复印机。   A:这个复印机操作起来确实有点复杂。首先,要按“输入”按钮。然后输入密码,密码是12345。然后按“OK"按钮。再选择纸张的大小,通常是A40后按“开始”按钮。它就开始复印了。   B:我明白了。太谢谢你了!

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