

机构未认证 全国统一学习专线 8:00-21:00

位置:勤学思培训网USEIRY » 培训新闻 » 文体艺术 » 舞蹈 » 现代舞 » 总算领会英语请求信范文


发布时间:2022-12-16 12:58:21

  常用表述   Dear Mrs. Liu,   I've been trying to get information on a company in Wuhan called ABC Corporation. I watched their products in the Guangzhou Fair but I've had difficulty finding much information on the company. I've tried several standard sources on the Internet but with little luck.   Would you have access to an annual report or any other type of information that would help me better understand the company and its operation? I'm especially interested in their overall financial health and future 'm assuming you have access to information sources that are beyond my reach.   I appreciate your assistance.   Yours sincerely,   Zhou Feng
  尊敬的刘先生:   我一直试图了解武汉一家名为ABC公司的信息。我在广交会上看到过他们的展品.但是很难收集到有关他们公司的信息。我试过利用网络上常见的信息渠道来了解.但是效果不佳。   您有办法得到他们的年度报告或是其他有助于我了解该公司及其运作的信息吗?我对他们的整体财务状况及未来发展前景非常感兴趣。我相信您一定有我所没有的信息渠道。   期待您的帮助。   周峰敬上
[图片0]   实用句型   Thank you for your letter of 7th May regarding your new product.   5月7日有关新产品的函收悉。
  I leave it to you to choose.   听你的选择。
  I look forward to seeing you again.   期待与您再见面。
  I am planning a trip to France next month, and I am looking forward to meeting you.
  Please let me know when you would like to call on us.   如果您愿意请随时与我们联系。
  Could you choose a place for the meeting?   能否选定会面地点?
  We will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.
  If for any reason you are unable to attend, please call me so that we can make other arrangements.   若因故不能出席,烦请致电告知,以便另行安排。
  We would appreciate it if you would advise us whether you have a mind to deal with us by returning mail.   请贵公司复函给我们.表示是否有意愿与本公司进行交易,我们将不胜感激。
  Please feel free to suggest a time and I will arrange mine accordingly.   敬请提出会晤时间,我将全力配合。

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