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发布时间:2022-12-17 01:58:00

有关音乐的英语对话——Listening to songs

(Emma and Jessica are listening to songs.)
Emma : Jessica, listen to the lyrics of this song.
Jessica : What' s so special about this song?
Emma : It' s from the musical that is so popular in New York right now . Do you like it?

Jessica : Not very much . It sounds too emotional to me.
Emma : That' s why it is so popular . It was recorded by Barbara Martin . I' ve heard that when she sang this song on stage on opening night, she created quite a sensation.

Jessica : I' m afraid my association with Broadway musicals is rather limited . Compared with that, I know more about jazz.
Emma : Well then, you need an introduction . The school drama club is putting on a musical production . How about going together?
Jessica : I have a better idea . Let' s go to a jazz concert and I' II give you an education in jazz.

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