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位置:勤学思培训网SZDFSL » 培训新闻 » 语言培训 » 英语 » AP » 终于认识丝绸用英语


发布时间:2022-12-17 02:11:11
[图片0]   相关词汇   brilliant adj. 灿烂的   delicate adj.  精美的,雅致的   dressing gown 晨袍   embroidery n. 刺绣   fabric n  织品,织物,布   fast adj.  不褪色的   lukewarm adj. 微温的.微热的   mulberry silk  桑蚕丝   noil cloth  绵绸。细丝织物   non-crease rayon 抗皱人造丝绸   pure silk 真丝   quality n. 质量,品质   silk clothes  丝绸服装   silk garment  真丝服装   silk mill 丝绸织造厂   Silk Street Market 秀水街市场   Soft adj. 软的.柔软的   spun silk 绢丝   style n.  风格
  情景对话:   A: I will go back to America next week. And I am wondering what gifts to buy for my daughter.   B: How about silk clothes?   A: That's a good idea. Silk clothes are rare in America.   My daughter would love it. And silk is so oriental, so beautiful.   B: The silk here is of very good quality.   A: Where can I find a good place to buy silk clothes?   B: Silk Street Market is a good choice.   A: Let's go and have a look.   B: Look at that dressing gown. It's so beautiful. It's made of pure silk. It is so soft and the color is so brilliant.   A: Is the color fast?   B: It is. But you can only wash it in lukewarm water.   A: Look at the embroidery on the dress! It is so delicate! I love all the embroidery.   B: It's probably expensive but I still think you should buy it. I am sure your daughter will like it.   A: I agree, and I will take it. Thank you for helping me with selecting the gift.   B: You are welcome.
  参考译文:   A:我下周就要回美国了。正在考虑给女儿买什么作为礼物比较好。   B:丝绸服装怎么样?   A:非常好的建议。丝绸服装在美国很少见,而且丝绸又东方又美丽。我女儿一定会喜欢的。   B:中国的丝绸品质很好。   A:应该去哪儿买丝绸服装呢?   B:去秀水街吧。   A:我们去看看。   B:看看这件真丝的晨袍,漂亮极了。真丝,手感柔软,颜色亮丽。   A:这个会褪色吗?   B:不会的.但您只能用温水洗涤.   A:看看这晨袍上的刺绣,真是精致,我喜欢一切刺绣的东西。   B:这个可能挺贵的。但我仍认为你应该买下它。而且我肯定你女儿会喜欢的。   A:我也这么想,就买这件吧。谢谢你陪我买礼物。   B:不客气。

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