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位置:勤学思培训网KTYKGJ » 培训新闻 » 职业技能 » 播音主持 » 演艺 » 总算发现毒品英文怎么说


发布时间:2022-12-17 02:54:29
  相关词汇   addict v. 使沉溺,使上瘾   alcohol n. 酒精   breathe v. 呼吸   cigar n. 雪茄   cocaine n. 古柯碱,可卡因   dancing outreach  摇头丸   destroy v. 毁灭   drug n.  毒品   drug rehabilitation  戒毒   drug-free life  无毒生活   heroin n. 海洛因,吗啡   ice n  冰毒   illegal drug trade 非法毒品交易   marijuana n. 大麻   morphine n.  吗啡   opium n.  鸦片   punishment n.  惩罚   tobacco n 烟草   tough adj.  艰苦的
[图片0]   情景对话   A: Did you watch TV last night? I watched somethinginteresting.   B: Oh, last night I drank lots of wine and went to bed early.   A: My God, wine? Do you know alcohol is also drug?   B: Drug? No way.   A: Oh? What is drug in your opinion?   B: Opium, heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and so on. I have some friends addicted to drugs and their health is destroyed. They've become drug slaves and have to go through drug rehabilitation.   A: Oh, that's really a tough job   B: That's true! But sometimes I do want to know the feeling of taking drugs.   A: You must be kidding! But you may go to Spain and breathe the air there.   B: Why?   A: It's said Spain is the country which consumes the most cocaine in the Europe. It is said there are traces of drugin the air there.   B: Oh, I didn't know that.   A: Do you think there should be severe punishments for illegal drug trade?   B: Yes.
  参考译文   A:你昨天看电视了吗?我昨天看到了一些有意思的东西.   B:昨天晚上我喝了很多酒,很早就上床了。   A:上帝,喝酒?你难道不知道酒也是一种毒品吗?   B:毒品?不可能吧。   A:那么在你看来什么是毒品?   B:鸦片、海洛因、大麻、可卡因等。我有一些朋友沉迷于毒品,身体彻底毁了,已经变成了毒品的奴隶。后,不得不戒毒。   A:戒毒.那很艰巨的。   B:的确如此.但我有时也挺想知道吸毒时的感觉的。   A:你一定是开玩笑的吧。也许你可以去西班牙,呼吸那里的空气。   B:为什么?   A:西班牙是欧洲可卡因消耗多的国家.即使是空气里都含有可卡因。据说那儿的空气里都含有微量的毒品.   B:哦,居然还有这样的事。   A:你认为应该采取严厉的措施来打击非法毒品交易吗?   B:当然。

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