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发布时间:2022-12-17 03:42:58
  常用词汇   be willing to 愿意   boyfriend n. 男朋友   commitment n.承诺   congratulation n.祝贺。恭喜   engagement n.订婚   engagement ring 订婚戒指   expect v 期待,等待;盼望   fiance n.未婚夫   fiancee n.未婚妻   get engaged with 和……订婚   girlfriend n.女朋友   kneel down 跪下   luckiest adj. 幸运的(lucky的高级)   marriage n.结婚,婚姻   Mr. Right 另一半,如意郎君   propose v.求婚   share v.分享   society n 社会   take part in 参加   wish n. 祝愿.祝福
[图片0]   情景对话:   A: Hi, Mary, long time no see. How are you recently?   B: Hi, long time no see. Guess what? I got engaged with Jack the day before yesterday!   A: Really? Wow, that's great! Congratulations! You know, it's so hard to find your Mr. Right who is willing to make the commitment.   B: Yes, I was really touched when he gave me the engagement ring.   A: That's nice. Oh, did he kneel down when he proposed?   B: No, we were in a restaurant. Too many people there.   A: But it would be really romantic, right? Anyway, best wishes for you and your fiance.   B: Thank you very much. How is your girlfriend? Have you discussed marriage with him?   A: Yes. We will get engaged on May 1st, 2014.   B: Congratulations!   A: Thank you. Would you like to take part in my engagement ceremony?   B: Of course I will. I think we are the luckiest people in theworld.   A: I think so. And bring your fiance with you. We'll have a good time.
  参考译文:   A:嗨,玛丽,好久不见了。你近怎么样?   B:嗨,好久不见。知道吗?我前天跟杰克订婚了。   A:真的吗?哇,真好!恭喜咯!要知道,找一个愿意作出承诺的真命天子真是太难了。   B:是啊。他给我戴上订婚戒指的时候我真的很感动。   A:真好。哦,他有没有跪下求婚啊?   B:没有。我们当时在餐厅里,人太多了。   A:但是如果下跪的话会更浪漫的,不是吗?不管怎么样,祝福你和你的未婚夫啦。   B:非常感谢。你的女朋友怎么样啦?你们讨论过结婚的问题了吗?   A:嗯。我们准备在2014年,月一日订婚.   B:也祝贺你啊!   A:谢谢。你要来参加我的订婚仪式吗?   B:当然。我觉得我们都是世界上幸福的人了。   A:我也觉得。把你的未婚夫也带上。我们会玩得很开心的。

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