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发布时间:2022-12-17 15:22:55

  相关词汇   adopt v. 收养   breed n. 种,品种   brush v. 梳理   cage n. 笼子   collar n. 项圈   gerbil n. 沙鼠   keeping pet 养宠物   kitty n. 小猫   mynah n. A哥   parrot n. 鹦鹉   Persian cat 波斯猫   pet beauty care 宠物美容   pet shampoo 宠物沐浴液   poodle n. 狮子狗,贵宾犬   PUPPY n 小狗   Purebredl Pedigree purebred/pedigree dog 纯种狗.   trick n. 把戏   vet n. 兽医   wag tail 摇尾巴   walk v. 溜,牵着(动物)走
[图片0]   情景对话:   A: Your dog is really beautiful. What breed is it?   B: I don't know. When it was a puppy two years ago, I saw it on the street and adopted it.   A: You mean it's a street dog?   B: Yes. I liked it at the first sight.   A: What's its name?   B: Sam.   A: Oh, come here, Sam. Well, it's really lovely. Can it do any tricks yet?   B: Yeah. It can sit down, shake hands, chase ball and even play dead.   A: Really? It's so smart! I also want to have a dog, but I'm afraid I can't take good care of it.   B: Keeping a dog is not a very easy thing. You have to walk the dog at least twice every day. You also have to brush it and give it a bath frequently.   A: Oh... I don't think I have time to do those things.   B: Besides, you have to buy the special pet shampoo,collar, cage and food for it. All of these things are not cheap. When it is ill, you need to take it to the vet immediately...   A: Oh, please, I think I'd better drop the idea.
  参考译文:   A:你的狗真漂亮啊.是什么狗呀?   B:我也不知道。两年前它还是小狗的时候,我在街上看见它并收养了它。   A:这样说,它是一只流浪狗啦?   B:是的。我一看见它就非常喜欢。   A:它叫什么名字呢?   B:山姆。   A:噢,到这儿来.山姆.它真可爱。它会表演一些小把戏吗?   B:会呀。它会坐、握手、追球,还会装死呢。   A:真的吗?太聪明了!我也想养一只狗,但我害怕照顾不好它。   B:养狗可不是容易的事啊。你每天得至少遛两次狗,还得经常给它刷毛、洗澡。   A:哦……我想我可没时间做这些事。   B:除了上面提到的事情,你还得买宠物沐浴液、项圈、笼子、狗粮。这些东西都不便宜啊。当它生病的时候,你得立刻送它去看医生…….   A:噢,别说了,我想我还是放弃这个念头吧。

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