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发布时间:2022-12-17 15:39:24

  相关词汇   best-seller n. 畅销书   biography n. 传记   chart/list n. 排行榜   circulation n. 发行量   classics n. 经典著作   collection n. 丛书,丛刊   comic book 漫画书   detective fiction 侦探推理小说   encyclopedia n. 百科全书   literature n. 文学   magazine n. 杂志   memoir n. 回忆录   non-fiction 非小说类作品   novel/fiction n. 小说   pictorial n. 画报   prose n. 散文   publish v. 出版,发行   romantic fiction 言情小说   science fiction 科幻小说   top-ten 排行前十名 [图片0]   情景对话:   A: Good morning, Linda.   B: Good morning, Judy. What are you busy with these days?   A: Recently I am keen on reading books at home. Do you know the new book of Mike Geller published last month? I have just finished it.   B: You mean the book The Story I Want to Tell You, the best-seller?   A: Yes. It's wonderful and my friends are all crazy about it.   B: It's said it has stayed for three weeks in the top-ten list and has sold two million copies around the country.   A: Amazing circulation! Geller's books are always very popular. By the way, do you like reading books?   B: Yes, detective fictions, memoirs and biographies are my favorites. But I'm too busy with my work. I just read some magazines and pictorials in my spare time now.   A: Oh, I see. Maybe we can go to the book shop together and pick up some interesting books and magazines when you have time.   B: OK.
  参考译文:   A:早上好.琳达。   B:早上好,朱迪。近你在忙些什么?   A:近来我很喜欢在家里看书。你知道上个月出版的麦克·盖勒的新书吗?我刚刚读完它。   B:你指的是《我想对你讲述的故事》那本畅销书吗?   A:是的。这本书写得很好,我的朋友们对它都很着迷.   B:据说这本书已经在十大畅销书榜单上蝉联三周了,全国销售量达到了约两百万册。   A:这么大的发行量啊!盖勒的书总是很受欢迎。顺便问一句,你喜欢读书吗?   B:是的,我很喜欢读侦探推理小说、回忆录、传记之类的书。但是,我现在工作太忙了,在空闲时间只是读一些杂志和画报。   A:哦。我知道了。或许你有空的时候,我们可以一起去书店买一些有趣的书。   B:好啊。

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